I have recently been contemplating telling my ex I miss him. I have never done this before and it would be a huge step outside my comfort zone but it’s been 3 months and I think I just need to tell him how I feel. Am I being stupid since we’ve already broken up twice? I should include the first time was 100% me going through personal shit and the second being mutual but I still feel so connected to him and miss talking to my best friend. I miss everything about him and just simply hanging out with him it’s been a rough few months and I just want to be with him again but idk what to do.

  1. Never. You’re being stupid if you expect the third time to go any differently. If it does, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

    Focus on yourself, figure out what you really WANT in this life, figure out what kind of man you’d actually be *proud* to marry in front of everyone you know, then enter the dating world again & open your heart to someone new.

  2. Getting back with an ex is usually more ill advised than not. I can’t tell you whether it’s a bad idea. It’s most important that you be honest with yourself and each other as to what went wrong and what you’re expecting to go differently. Missing him is not necessarily the best reason to get back together. It’s a reason to be friends and maybe even Explore the option, but if he’s important to you of course you miss him. I guess the defining thing is making sure that you’re not stalling or going backwards. If there’s a way that you can go forward together it could be worth it. Forward being the important part.

  3. Yes you would be stupid to go back. The reasons you broke up will STILL be there and you’ll just break up again.

  4. Tell him how you feel…if he reciprocates and wants to try again….have new ground rules that you learnt from your two previous attempts….to make it successful

  5. No, no, no. I wouldn’t even go back a second time.

    You’ve already broken up twice, the last being three months ago, what would it change this time? Why would it be different? Relationships aren’t meant to be that complicated.

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