Okay so basically he told me “I’m so thin. I’ve always noticed that about myself” and I said “that’s so lucky 😭” then he replied with a question mark then I told him I gained weight. I think I said the wrong thing 😭. Do you think he found it okay or like not necessary? I had no idea how to respond to that text though so it kind of just came out with the intention of me wanting to continue the convo. He reacted with a laughing emoji though. I really want to be friends with him but never knew what to say so I’m asking here

  1. Don’t worry about it, I guess it’s a kinda normal thing to say in a situation like that, in a casual conversation! If he were really worried about his weight, then it would be rather inappropriate, but otherwise it’s fine!

  2. Active listening suggests you should repeat back what you heard in slightly different words before you speak from your perspective. “Every time you look at yourself, you are reminded how thin you’ve always been.” For example. To say “that’s lucky” misses the fact that likely, for him, this isn’t a pleasant experience.

    If you are concerned about saying the wrong thing, it’s sometimes best to start with making sure you’ve heard what was said first.

  3. Okay I removed the messages I don’t know know if it helped or not since he already ssw the message 😭. Should I apologize? I think I should but what do y’all think?

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