Hey ladies! How do you deal with excessive sexual energy?

  1. I’m pretty sure you didn’t need to ask this. What do men do when they have excessive sexual energy

  2. Channel it into my ambitions. I mean I have been celibate for some time beyond small dirty flirting here and there which is rare at this point because I have washed my hands of romantic related endeavors.

  3. channel it into something else, I channel that energy into being creative and starting a business that fuels femininity . might work for you (obviously if you want to be celibate or move away from sexual energy)

  4. When your really bent, masterbation only goes so far. Sometimes you just gotta have the real thing. Lucky for me I found a good FB with the same energy. You just have to be brave enough and selective enough and be able to communicate really well so you both understand why your together.

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