
If someone you know is asking you for sex but this person also tells you they have herpes, would you sleep with them?
From what I found online, even with condom and treatment, there is no way to be sure you are not going to be contaminated.

So would you do it?

  1. > even with condom and treatment

    This is untrue. It’s possible to have safe sex with someone with hsv2, and using words like “contamination” further maligns and isolates people with a super normal diagnosis.

    As long as the hsv2+ person is being treated and understands/knows their own body well enough to know when an outbreak is coming, you’re quite safe.

    I’m negative, but would sleep with a positive person if the above conditions are met.

  2. 1/10 people have the virus and your chance of getting it from them if they don’t have an outbreak and you’re using condoms is miniscule, so probably if I really liked them.

  3. No matter how desperate I’m, I wouldn’t do it. I have refused a couple of times for the same reason. Its not worth it in the long run..

  4. I would if I was serious about them (like marriage) I wouldn’t if I was just dating them.

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