What words did you use to start the conversation?

  1. I didn’t tell her. An attorney did. She was wildly violent and abusive and I grabbed my son, packed a few clothes, and left.

  2. We were working through a specific and very ugly situation.

    My words were:

    “Our marriage didn’t survive these circumstances and we are over. I can’t continue with what has been broken.”

    She got angry and filed. I said the words and she took it from there, which the “who filed” part was of no consequence to me.

  3. Just said that we weren’t working out, let’s get a divorce.
    We both agreed. We moved on

  4. We went to a divorce arbitrator to save on the cost of hiring 2 law firms. We all sat at one table and managed the mountain of details.

  5. “Good news, honey! From now on, as far as you’re concerned, I don’t exist.”

    …Never been married, let alone divorced, but this sounds like a good opener for that conversation. In fact, it’d be for the best if me saying that would be the whole conversation.

  6. Easy. You take all the text transcripts from her and the man she has been fucking. Print them off in color and on good paper. Put them in a slick binder. Print out enough for her mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles and anyone else she would invite over for Christmas.now we have story time, let’s all read along and show everyone who she really is. But you need to make hers special, at the end have divorce papers and an extra message saying fuck you cunt I’m better off without you.

  7. I found out about an affair partner, already suspected there were at least two others. Affair partner told me he was number 4 and he didnt know who they were, she just numbered them and he was number 4.

    I told her I was done and informed her I already have a lawyer and met with my lawyer 3 days later. We were divorced in a month. She didn’t fight anything so long as kids were joint custody.

  8. I didn’t. Lawyer did, somehow. I have no idea how that played out, actually. We had already been separated for some time and weren’t talking.

  9. I haven’t told her yet. She took the kids to her parents for the week while they’re all (she’s a school bus driver) on fall break. Debating telling her over the phone while she’s there or waiting till she comes back.

  10. Gave her the divorce papers on her 50th birthday, 4 days before her 50th birthday party.

    *that she planned for over a year, spent a lot of money on, and even had family come from abroad. She cancelled it.

  11. I said something like “I remember when I met you and fell in love, but now I cant find that love any more. I want a divorce” Then I startet crying. It was a rough period i my life.

  12. I think the next time an argument or disagreement ensues, bring up that you’ve hired council and she can expect more. That kills two birds, ends the argument and let’s her know what’s coming next.

  13. I just said, “I’m leaving; I want a divorce.” Then I took the bag I packed out of the closet and left.

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