My best friend (24M) tells me(26F) all the time they don’t care. Usually when I bring up my interests or things that don’t interest them. And I just find every time they say it, it hurts a lot. When I ask their opinions for things on like stuff to do to hang out or just at random points of conversation. They’ll tell me it’s not that deep. But we only really end up having decent conversation if we talk about things they’re interested in.

I should preface this with the fact I have mental health struggles and adhd (and possibly on the autism spectrum) and I’m not confident if it’s as much of an issue as I feel it is.

I will also say that we had a friends with benifits thing that lasted a few months and ended recently but we’ve been friends for about 2-3 years.

He was pretty indifferent with caring moments here and there, and he’s explained he’s not good with his words. But during our fwb even tho it was meant to just be sexual he was super interested, attentive and contributed, and now it’s back to indifferent and I’d say even more indifferent than before and it’s a pretty hard adjustment to wrap my head around.

He’s been there for me through some of my darkest times and given me good advice at. He tells me he cares and he’s not out to get me and I can trust him. But I’ve tried to bring it up about that it hurts and upsets me only to just feel further unheard and brushed off.

So I’m not sure what to do next. I’m thinking of trying to distance myself and make less effort. But I’m interested to know anyones thoughts.

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