i’m currently on the nexplanon implant and man this fucking sucks, it’s bringing back my acne i went on accutane to get rid of and is making me so sad and emotional it’s toying with my relationship. i’ve only been on it a month and i want it out. What’s the best birth control for you guys? i don’t want to have to deal with bloating,acne or depression but it seems like as a woman i’m just going to have to deal with that unless i want to give birth 🙂

  1. My gf uses something called Nuva ring, don’t know if it’s called that in all countries, but it’s a silicone ring that is inserted for 3weeks, then removed for your period and then a new one put back in. She never told me that she had any side effects with it. So maybe it’s worth a try.

  2. Keep speaking to your dr ,birth control really has to specific for you – your body isn’t going to cope with everything you put into it. However you might try another form of BC and you are ok with it , it really is trial and error . If you’ve had the implant you might struggle to get them to remove it ,I’ve heard of lots of women recently struggling to get it removed.

    I honestly think BC needs to be tailored to each individual woman and more questions need to be asked when it is prescribed.

  3. I use a 5 year IUD. I personally love it. But I know women who hated it. My mom had the copper one, she loved that. And that’s been my experience with most BC. You’ll find women who love each one, and women who hate each one. They effect each of us differently I think. Like the pills made me feel horrible, but I know women who swear by them. Unfortunately, as far as I know, it’s a lot of trial and error until you find which one you like better. Wish there was a way to find out how you do with each one without having to go through them.

  4. I have had a positive experience with the Mirena IUD. Putting it in was *incredibly* painful, though. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but I practically jumped off the exam table when the NP snapped it into place. I used the depo shot before that. The IUD has had far fewer negative side effects for me. Honestly no negative side effects I can think of right now. But you should definitely consult with your MD what method of BC is best for you.

  5. As a medical resident, I believe IUD is the best in terms of minimal side effects & low probability of pregnancy. It’s a set & forget BC.

    That said, my gf uses nuva ring because of other considerations.

    Best to talk to your doctor about it to get a tailor-made plan for yourself.

  6. Nuva ring or copper IUD. I’ve been on both and both worked for me when regular birth control pills made me a crying mess (hormonal reaction).

  7. All the men ‘jokingly’ suggesting abstinence can go to hell 🙄🙄🙄It sucks having to put with all the shit side effects like bloating, acne, constant spotting/bleeding, cramps etc. all because you want to enjoy sex without the crippling fear of pregnancy. They have no idea what it’s like. Don’t bother commenting unless you’re going to contribute something useful.

    If nexplanon isn’t working for you OP, I would speak to your doctor about the best option for you! There are injections, pills etc. that you can trial. I don’t know your history with other birth controls but I would try the less permanent/easily swappable ones before you choose a long lasting BC like nexplanon again 🤞

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