Day Two of breakup today. I’ve been crying along to depressing songs with pints of ice cream, fast food, and tv nearby. I’m trying really hard not to check his social media and I have several times, but we’ve been in NC since the breakup talk. I forgot to return the charger that he left at my place; should I wait for him to potentially ask, I offer first, or toss it? It usually takes me more time than the guy because I tend to get attached. Any other advice or pointers to heal faster? Thank you!

1 comment
  1. 1. Get rid of anything that reminds you of him.
    2. Don’t be alone.
    3. Go to gym.
    4. Spend more time with family and friends.
    5. If possible, talk to therapist and do mindfulness.
    6. Start a hobby.
    7. No matter what, don’t contact him and if he comes back, ignore and block him.
    8. Eat healthy food and focus on working on yourself.

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