For me, it is spending way too much money, while constantly wondering why this person isn’t texting you back.

  1. One sided, too much work, zero gratitude for effort out in, waste of fucking time and energy

  2. Most situations I have been in were toxic. It’s not going to always be like that, but it’s hard to find the right person.

  3. I really don’t agree with the guy having to pay for the dates. As a woman, I’ll likely get reemed for saying that but I’ve always felt it was archaic.

    For me dating is like trying to find something worthy in a pile of trash.

  4. People think it’s a zero-sum game, which leads to everyone being hurt and in turn hurting a few other people while ignoring their own soul.

  5. Seems so awful these days that I’m so grateful I did a freak of nature thing and met my partner in a random encounter in a park.

  6. An annoying main quest you can’t enjoy unless you learn to treat disappoinment as part of the journey. It’s great when you find that gold chest occasionally although.

  7. Don’t spend to much money on the first date, I would say keep it minimal. My max on a date is 40 to 50 bucks tops and if the conversation is good than I’ll increase it

  8. Lmao OP’s description was not what I anticipated. But for me, I would say it’s going out and meeting new people for the interest of romantic partnership and possibly casual relationships.

  9. It’s like being an employee with a cool new idea to pitch, but you have to schedule a meeting with someone busier than you and who thinks you’re beneath them. It would make more sense for them to schedule the meeting since they tend to have a stricter schedule, but for whatever reason, you’re expected to do the work and keep trying to find a time. They have so much attention already that they might not even give you the opportunity to pitch your idea. And they tend to only go for the same hot ideas that all the other companies are going for and don’t work out. There’s a good chance you will just exchange a couple emails and then they never reply again. You fell through the cracks. If you do manage to get an opportunity, they sort of half-ass it with a hypercritical, pessimistic perspective looking for any reason to quickly shoot down the idea for “lack of a spark” and not fully hear the idea through. Or, even better, the person just talks about themselves the whole time and THEN shoots down the idea for lack of a spark.

  10. Dating is a hassle for me. Not a priority too. I think you’ll find love in the most unexpected ways and it only happens if you don’t mind about it at all.

  11. For me, I wonder what’s wrong with me and why another human being wouldn’t date me. I blame myself, not other people. I want to know what it is so I can fix it. I don’t blame other people for my shortcomings because that attitude is just…*wrong.*

    I’m all about self-improvement even if I don’t like what I hear, even if it’s hurtful, but I enjoy improving myself nonetheless.

  12. Like forcing a fart. If you need to force it and it feels uncomfortable, it’s probably shit.

  13. Fun and opportunity.

    Also a test of your resilience. Steel forged in the hottest fire strengthens it.

  14. Tired of handing out free meals. So now I just stay in and watch reels. While staying single and eating my pringles. Enjoying my peace of mind and eating a 🥧 I don’t let the gals be my pals just because I’d rather enjoy my vibes than to wine and dine them.

  15. There’s a Pink Floyd song called “Hey You”.

    My version of that song is “Heyy Youu” and its about being told you how great you are but that nonetheless you are being broken up with it.

  16. Pretty boring, never realised how some people can be so boring and not engaging. Why bother matching if it’s just 1-3 word replies. Still you have the people that are aiming for the top 10% which will never change though.

  17. Mate. Don’t take a woman to a dinner EVER on a first date. Dinner dates are for AFTER activities to have something to talk about. I don’t know where some women have this from but usually you’ll be abused by them if they ever ask for that for a first date and loose respect. There are women like that but they’ll be super high class, then you can do it. Don’t do it for any of the AVGs. See how humble she is first, if she’s texting back one liners constantly take that as either disinterested, or boring as fuck. In both cases you don’t wanna sit on table with them on a first date. Challenge them. Make you approve them and not the other way around. Eg. Start with sports and take them for a walk, or any type of activity. That way you’ll filter out a lot of trash.

  18. i think dating is fun. i love the excitement of first dates and the uncertainty of the nights.

  19. It’s like applying for a good job with minimal qualifications/experience. Your CV will be turned down instantly before you can even reach the interview stage. The only reason why I’m using the job analogy is because I had more success in getting a job than dating after 30+ attempts.

  20. A revolving door of (mostly) endless first dates with no happy medium. Usually it’s ghosting/rejection or if they are interested, they move too quick or lied about their appearance. For example, earlier this summer I had a woman I saw already tell me she loves me on the 2nd date and completely overstep boundaries. Like she asking to come over when I told her I was busy or visiting family but free later in the week.

    Makes me feel like I have to settle, which I have no interest in doing, as it’d be a disservice to them and myself.

  21. Chase, get attention, keep attention, prove your worth, get pretty much nothing for all hat hard work. Then repeat because it ended because x reason. in a simpler way not worth it.

  22. It’s looking around being disappointed most of the time. Talking through texts with a lot of people, just calling or meeting with 1 or 2. Finding someone you really like who has a fear of commitment while you’re not sure you’d want to commit any time soon either, but would make an exception for them. But both getting a bit jealous when the other one has a date before relenting and saying whatever. Knowing that’s gonna end in heartbreak. Liking other guys that don’t seem to want to meet up, but the spicy talk is nice so who cares. People who lie about either their age or pics (pics being way older). It’s fun, yet not lol.

  23. Navigating between your and their needs on a constant basis – while ditching bullets left right and center – without ever feeling fully satisfied until you decide to give up and go about your life in the hopes someone comes along who matches with you naturally.

  24. It’s a lot of filtering through people and learning what you want and don’t want in a relationship. Sometimes it also means learning a few things about yourself along the way.

    The process definitely can suck and a lot of times it’s one-sided. What I’ve realized with that, is I want someone who makes it clear they want me and matches the effort I put in. I’m also not going to lower my standards and get into a relationship with someone just because they like me

    Some days are better than others and it can be discouraging at times, but I take it day by day

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