Hello everyone! I (12M) am quite overweight. I am 5,9 and weigh 176 pounds. And for a while I’ve been wanting to become skinnier, not just for looks but because I fear that I’ll have health problems down the line if I don’t. Now over the summer I tried calorie counting. But that just led to me becoming obsessed with calorie counting and going into early stages of an eating disorder. Luckily school started again which made it harder to count calories, but now I realise it wasn’t such a blessing because it’s made it much harder to keep track of what I’m eating. If anyone could give me honest tips and how to stay consistent with this it would help me so much, thank you!

  1. Also I’ll also add that at my dads it’s mainly a junk food based diet but at my mums (which I’m at more) I have more control over what I eat

  2. A diet for someone at twelve years old is going to be different from a diet for an adult. Obviously it’s important to not be overweight, but dieting too hard while you’re still growing can stunt your growth.

    For an adult I would suggest intermittent fasting, where you eat whatever you want on one day and then eat nothing at all the next day. And just alternate like that. This is much simpler than calorie counting and works even if you’re stuck with restaurant food like at a school cafeteria. But… this might be too harsh of a diet for someone at your age.

    I think you should search for diets specifically intended for teens and preteens.

  3. 5’9″ and 176 isn’t that bad. You should try to get into weight training and concentrate on converting to muscle.

    I’m 6′ and about 195 and I’m not fat so I wouldn’t worry too much.

    Have you talked with a doctor about it?

  4. I’d recommend talking to a doctor because you’re still growing and at the start of puberty. In the long term an eating disorder is a lot worse for your health than few extra pounds. The main thing is to try to eat a healthy diet of whole foods with enough fruits and vegetables. Make sure you’re getting enough carbs, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. If you have a balanced diet then it’s easy to have an appropriate number of calories and it’s easier and better mentally than counting calories.

  5. Man, you’re 12. Go talk to your pediatrician, you’re not going to get usable diet advice for a child from Reddit. In fact I think you may even be too young to have an account. Good luck to you.

  6. If I could talk to myself when I was your age my advice would be to get into a team sport. Sure, losing weight is great but the benefits go far beyond it.

    1. You are healthier (physically and mentally)
    2. Make friends
    3. Develop social skills
    4. Have an outlet for energy, competitiveness
    5. Develop personal skills

    About this last one, get in the habit to give your all in everything you do, that is a very hard habit to get later in life

  7. Calorie count everything u eat, you can only really lose 1 kilo a week

    Try MyFitnessPal app and log all u eat, once u eat over 1500 calories a day u wont lose weight so stop once youve eaten 1500 else youre asking to be overweight

  8. I have a son about your age who was also carrying some extra weight he was unhappy about. I’ll tell you the same I did with him:

    Don’t worry about calories. Eat your veggies, limit your deserts and remember a serving size of pretty much anything is about the size of your fist so don’t go overboard, don’t over eat. That’s all, nothing drastic required.

    Do something active every day, ride your bike or skateboard, play catch with your friends, walk the dog, whatever. When you are about 14 maybe explore some beginner exercise routines.

    The goal isn’t to lose weight….but to maintain your current weight. And as you grow taller, you’ll naturally lean out.

    My son has grown an inch or so since he voiced his concern and he’s already looking slimmer even though he hasn’t really lost any weight or made huge changes to the way he eats

  9. Low carb high protein diet, if youre 12 and don’t have your own money dietings gonna be a problem though unless your parents eats clean. You’ve got all the time in the world yet lad fuck girls fuck looking good and don’t worry about your health yet! Go and enjoy your life while your young is my advice

  10. I’m 5’7″, 230lbs. My healthy weight is actually 190lbs because I’m naturally very heavily muscled. It’s annoying at times, but I move pretty well. I lost 50lbs in two months before and fixed myself all up.

    The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss should get you where you need to go.

  11. You’re young and you’re about to/just starting to get a huge spike of testosterone.

    Don’t go too crazy trying to modify everything about your life. Do your best to cut out sugary foods and just do something active every day.

    You will be fine.

  12. Thank for the advice everyone.

    I’ve read through all the comments and what I’ll try to do is join a sport, try to eat less junk, eat more protein and less carbs, and eat more fruit and veg

    Edit: I’ll post an update in a few months

  13. Eat healthy which means stay away from things like soda, cakes, cookies, donuts, etc. All the sugar is really bad for you. Try to reduce or eliminate meat and other animal products. The cholesterol and saturated fat is really bad. Avoid things with lots of sodium(salt) like canned soups and tv dinners. The salt will cause your body to retain lots of water weight. Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, oats, seeds, and beans. Calorie counting isn’t really necessary if you only eat healthy food, eat when you’re hungry, and don’t overstuff yourself.

    You may need some help from the parents in this department because at your age they are the ones buying the groceries and cooking. Tell them you’re serious about losing weight and you don’t want them to buy you junk food.

    Exercise more. Try to at least walk fast or jog for 30 minutes a day 4-5 days a week. Small things can help a lot like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving or riding a bike. Use a fitness tracker like google fit if you think you need it.

    If you find yourself not moving for hours at a time because you’re playing video games or whatever then make some rules for yourself about that so you don’t get too lazy. Every 30 minutes do at least 10 pushups and 10 situps or whatever works for you and stay disciplined with it.

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