People who favour imprisonment over rehabilitation: why?

  1. There are some things that cannot be rehabilitated. Unfortunately the American way is “just throw everyone in jail and let ’em kill and/or fuck each other to death”.

  2. Some people will always be a danger to others no matter how much rehab they have. These people need to be kept in secure settings. I still believe they should have access to rehab though, to improve the quality of their life and those around them.

  3. There are some habits that cannot be broken, even with excessive rehabilitation.

    People who sexually harass, are convicted rapists and pedophiles do not belong in the community. Nope nope nope. These people are not safe for the community whatsoever.

    On the other hand, for people who have murdered it would certainly depend on their life. If a person grew up poor and mingled with the wrong gang as a teenager and it could have been a robbery that has gone out of hand – maybe rehabilitation could be a solution to get their priorities straight. BUT true rehabilitation can only work if society does not reject these people because acceptance in society is exactly what will break that streak permanently. If society rejects them they may go back to petty robberies as a way to survive.

  4. It depends on the crime, but I don’t feel that some people deserve a second chance and/or its not safe to give them one.

  5. It’s a tricky situation that will vary by the individual.

    It’s not an “or” for me. It’s an “and” situation. Imprisonment should be like strict residential rehabilitation with the goal of eventual supervised and assisted release to transition back into society when the person is ready to safely re-enter society without being a danger to others. Each person imprisoned should have regular mental, physical, and emotional health evaluations, work with a team of rehabilitators, educators, and mental health professionals, and be provided with support to help them overcome whatever caused them to be incarcerated. If they remain a danger to others, then their stay should continue until that is no longer the case.

  6. Some people can’t be rehabilitated and honestly are just a danger to society. I’m in Canada and our justice system is slap on the wrist. Maybe some community service and a fine at best for people who committed muiple assaults ect. Some people just need to be locked up.

  7. mental health services and rehabilitation options are terrible where I live. And the funding is even worse.

    There’s no current reasonable alternative at the moment to actually consider.

  8. Not one over the other. But you have to keep in mind rehabilitation isn’t always possible. The brain and the way it functions is still mostly a mystery. Research has come a long way but some people can’t be helped and will always be a danger or risk as we don’t have a “cure”

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