Fine American citizens, have any of you ever been inside any of the cheese vaults? Are they hidden from the general public and are there many people involved in the logistics of cheese storage?

  1. I have been in Swiss cheese vaults in Gruyere.

    The American ones are far more locked down. Most are in abandoned nuclear silos that keep the same restrictions from when there were ICBMs tipped with nuclear warheads in them.

  2. I’ve only been inside the National Strategic Spray Cheese storage facility under armed escort. I don’t think that’s the same thing…

  3. The U.S. cheese vaults are privately owned and run. And although there are about about 1.4 billion pounds of cheese in storage, that’s only about ten percent of the 13.5 billion pounds of cheese Americans consume each year.

    Much of the cheese is stored for less than a year because cows produce most of their milk in April, May, and June. Cheese is in demand all year, and the highest demand is during the holiday season in November and December.

    There are cheese vaults in Europe, too. There’s even a cheese bank:

  4. My first thought was “Cheese vault? The fuck is that?”

    So I guess I haven’t been inside one. Therefore, I have to assume they’re hidden from the general public. And now I want to find one, and discover why they’re hiding them.

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