I’m having a chat with someone I met here on Reddit so it’s a long distance thing and I don’t know much about them.
How do I make conversation with them without sounding creepy or awkward?
I want to learn things about them so I can know what topics to talk to them about, but they usually do not give much of an answer.
How do I encourage them to talk without seeming pushy?

1 comment
  1. > they usually do not give much of an answer.

    This is not a great sign – they are either not interested in much of a conversation or not very good at carrying a conversation themselves (maybe particularly online, maybe not, we don’t know).
    You can try with open questions like following up on whatever hobby they mentioned, for example: “Oh cool – can you tell me more about it?” or “How does XYZ work exactly?”.
    Yes/No – Questions set yourself up for short answers, but at the same time it’s also a quick way to assess whether the person is even interested or not. If yes, they will find a way to carry the conversation. That’s only the case assuming they are good at texting, though.

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