I’m an adult and an introvert but i think my introversion is peaking. I can’t make a conversation with anyone. I can be silent for hours, literally. It’s like my mind go blank whenever I’m around someone i know like my family even mom or my bffs ,imagine somebody i DON’T know. It’s a nightmare and i can’t push my brain to think of something to say it goes more blank if that’s even possible.
Last time i got with someone, we have mutuals, but we were alone and she frankly asked me 3 times to say something as a start too and i said i can’t figure out what to say.
Usually when someone opens a topic I respond within and i engage in the conversation but I can’t take the intiatove. I hate myself about this and don’t know what to do.
I volunteered in social works and pushed myself out of my comfort zone several times to change , and i did; i now can comfortably reply to anyone speaking to me or be brave and ask for something i want or order something on phone, but this annoying quality of me seems unbreakable.

  1. Show interest to the person, you can do this by asking them questions about themselves, like “I like your shoes, where did you get them?” That’s already a starter mate.

  2. Just keep it simple. Start with hello/good morning/etc. ask ‘how are you, how was your day, do you have plans for the weekend etc.’

    Small talk is white noise to make others feel comfortable.

    When I don’t want to talk I just look the other person in the eye and nod my head. Saying I acknowledged you and you exist and just carry on with what I’m doing.

    Also would recommend the book “92 ways to talk to anyone”.

  3. Congrats for taking the initiative and doing the social work. What else have you tried against your mind going blank during conversations? Usually there is no one solution answer here. It’s important to work on a few levels, such as your energy/ vibe, body work, verbal work, confidence work etc. As you can see, there are coming many topics together

  4. This is literally me, even trying to talk to my wife. I have this urge that I NEED to say something and start a converstation with her, I just don’t know how or what to say. Like we’ll be laying in bed in silence watching TV and I feel like I should be talking but I just can’t.

    I know it’s putting a strain on our relationship lately. Since I’m not able to talk she’ll just sit and scroll on her phone. It’s like there’s this mental block that’s just preventing me from talking and I hate it.

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