So my wife tends to have mood swings often and gets frustrated all the time. It tends to ruin the moment for dates and vacations. She never sees how she’s acting or thinks she’s handling a situation poorly. This tends to get to me because of the frequency it happens and it’s really starting to make me feel depressed. I will just be stuck in my head trying to understand her and I don’t know how to deal with her when she’s like that. We recently went on a vacation and it was such a horrible time mainly because of having to deal with her. I try not to be mad or upset but it’s hard to be happy and excited for anything when I always have to worry if she’s going to ruin the day or a moment because she gets frustrated over something.

How do I handle this situation while trying to be happy and not think these negative thoughts i always have towards her?

  1. Is there something going on with her that is causing her to be unhappy? Is this a medical condition? Maybe she needs to see a doctor.

  2. I’m not saying at all that your wife has mental health issues, but it might be a good idea to suggest a psychiatrist. I was exactly the same way and it was awful to everyone around me. It turns out I have bipolar 2 and borderline personality disorder. The meds help a lot and my husband is a bit more understanding because of how difficult these diagnoses are. It might help explain what’s happening with her mood swings.

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