I love my wife. I never thought she’d be more sexy than she already was but she proved me wrong. A few days ago she suddenly tells me that she’ll suck my dick for at least 5 minutes every night. Not sure what got into her but I sure as hell wasn’t going to turn that down. And if she couldn’t make it happen that night, it will roll over and she’ll give me a BJ for 10 min the following day.

Tbh I didn’t think she’d follow through. She has had a poor record of keeping promises (with sex for example) many times and now I kind of expect it. But so far, every day she’s been going down on me as promised, for at least 5 minutes.

And they’ve been fucking incredible. She is a god (rather goddess lol) at dick sucking. She basically makes love to my cock, balls and asshole, and I feel in heaven. Last night it was 10 min (the night before she was too tired to do it), and she fingered me so much my asshole hurt in pleasure. Not trying to brag, just saying lol

I think this might be the fact that her stomach and pussy has been hurting and we aren’t able to have sex recently and she feels guilty. But tbh I prefer this so much better than sex. I think oral sex is so much more intimate (anyone can have sex) and she basically worships my cock.

Question tho, how can I make this more pleasurable for her? I can tell she enjoys it when I feel good about it, but I want her to be comfortable and enjoy it herself. Is there anything I can do to help out?

  1. >Question tho, how can I make this more pleasurable for her?

    From what I’ve heard from women, a guy who makes some noise during a BJ really turns them on and makes them feel like they’re doing a great job, which is emotionally pleasurable. So moan, grunt, gasp and pant as much as you like – it can take some practice to let go like that but I’ve found that once you get there it just eggs them on to ever greater feats of exuberant dick sucking.

    Also your wife is an absolute Queen. You must be an awesome husband!

  2. My fiancé knows how insanely I love to have my head scratched and so without me asking he’s started scratching my head while I’m going down on him. It’s so incredibly sweet and sexy. He’s not only thinking of my pleasure but me as an individual and what I like; it feels amazing and sends chills through my whole body; my head is right there anyways so there’s no awkward positioning involved; and honestly for me it’s so much of a turn on. Way more than any type of 69 or boob-grabbing something overtly sexual. Obv course every woman is different, but try try to think outside the box (pun intended.) What’s her love language? What gift would she like back?

  3. If, by chance, you find out this sudden change is due to some virus or other bug then I’d like her to meet my wife and shake her hand or something.

  4. Try giving her a massage and really focusing on the tense areas. Allow her to really relax and unwind. And don’t only do it when she’s gonna blow you, do it whenever she looks like she wants to relax and try not to make it sexual (unless she leads it there herself).

  5. IMO maybe you could make a similar promise. Something that doesn’t revolve around sex but still gives her that intimacy and SHOWS her what she means to you. Not words but actions. 5 minutes of brushing her hair, shoulder/neck massage, feetrub maybe. Something that makes her feel important and loved. Effort… Reading some of your comments about her pains. It could actually be a medical issue that can be cured…

    I know I’m kinda fucked up but for me a relationship requires investment. And it pays off tbh. The more time and energy I invest in a mutual relationship, the more I can reap the rewards. She’s investing a considerable amount of energy here. Honestly she sounds amazing.

    I apologize for rambling

  6. What about just stroking her butt and pussy while she sucks your cock ?
    And verbalize how you enjoy what she does to you ?

  7. Nice man. Personally for me blowjobs don’t work. It’s a decent feeling but just doesn’t get the job done. I’d much rather just fuck instead. Blowjobs kinda numb out and feel like nothing after a minute or so

  8. Hold her hair out of her face so you can see her. Eye contact is hot. Massage her neck to relax her throat. I loooove that.

  9. I think many people have already given answers to your question but I just wanna say when I grow older I wanna have a marriage like this yo. Awesome.

  10. I think at the very least, offering to return the favour every time she goes down on you seems fair. I think that would make it a mutually pleasurable act.

    Otherwise, as other posters have said, offering to give her a massage after, or stroking her hair, or simply going down on her randomly without expectation of reciprocation in the same manner she offers would be ideal IMO!

    That, and lots of praise and telling her how much you enjoyed it and how good it felt would be baseline I think.

  11. Honestly it’s concerning that you have a suspicion that your wife is doing this out of guilt….and it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact you declare it as intimate. Kinda has me thinking emotional connection or reason why isn’t how men get intimacy rather all this supposed intimacy is him feeling masculine/ego stroked.

    Try asking her what would make her guilt bjs better for her. Or try eating her out everytime she gives you a bj. Or you can do low effort things that don’t affect your pleasure or have you give her pleasure but soothe your own mindset. Such as stroke her hair or compliment her.

  12. I just came here to say this: No matter how your day goes, you’ve still got those 5 mins.

  13. Years ago my wife wanted something that wasn’t really in the budget and I was vehemently against it. She offered a month of nightly BJs. No way I could turn that down.

  14. There’s a certain way my guy half mutters/half moans “Fuuuuck yeeeaah……” That never fails to get me going.

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