Men who stayed friends with someone you had feelings for, how did it turn out?

  1. Bro.. why would you be friends with someone you have feelings for, im making my move if she says no they we can’t be friends because I want to have sex with you and im not going to blue ball myself

  2. Ngl it was really painful for me to watch as she had no feelings and would tell me about all her guy problems but I couldn’t really do anything about it bc we were just friends so I suffered in silence(basically its a bad idea)

  3. She keeps setting me up with her friends. It’s like a constant supply of pussy with her good recommendation to prime them!

  4. A few of the girls are still my great friends, because we talked about it and they acknowledged it and didn’t play with me or anything. And the ones that did play or gave me shit are not my friends anymore.

  5. I recently met a girl at the gym who I developed feelings for. Upon learning more about her I decided for myself that this wasn’t someone I wanted to have a romantic relationship. Mainly due to the fact both of us have lifestyles that just won’t mesh. She wants to travel, go on trips, live spontaneously, and has no interest in financial security. Plus she told me she hates men and blames them for HER PROBLEMS which is a major red flag. I want to buy a house, get married, have a stable life, and financial security. However, we both share quite a few of the same hobbies so we remained friends. She’s distanced herself away from me which sucks because she was a fun friend, but I’ve moved on. It’s only as weird as you make it out to be. But if you’re only interested in someone romantically, I wouldn’t waste time being friends and find someone who wants what you want.

  6. Pretty good. They have helped me a lot in life to continue making good choices and keep me pointed in the right direction in life. However it’s not easy for a little while after they reject you. But you learn to move past it. She’s one of the best friends I have now.

  7. The feelings didn’t go away. It drove me mad. I tried being the bigger person, the one above all my “selfish feelings” for the greater good while secretly hoping things would change. Her happiness meant everything to me after all and i couldn’t fathom bringing her any type of sadness or pain.
    At first it was doable, we still had that sexual tension and flirty way about us but eventually you’ll start to read into anything and everything as time passes. The difference in her messages, tone, glances. The uncertainty if she’s starting to see/like someone else. You start wanting to ask about and monitor her life at all times just for reassurance you can never truly get out count on.
    Eventually there was someone else and it broke me. What’s worse, she introduced us and i had to swallow my words and feelings. Seeing them on social media and being flirty in front of me was a nightmare.
    Eventually i snapped during a drunk moment if weakness. I told her off, holding nothing back. I brought shame to myself and all the pain i was trying to shield her from before could not hold a candle to all the pain i was now giving her.
    We don’t speak no more.

    I am currently going through a break up now. She wants to remain friends and keep me in her life. We wanted to get married. We planned for kids. We have a dog and she has a young son who has become my best friend. I love him as my own.
    Although sticking around would be the easiest thing to do FOR NOW, i am cutting off the ties because i know the monster that grows behind the scenes and the pain that will come both of our ways and the damage it could do to the kid.
    Today is my last day with the dog and possibly the last time I’ll ever see her and the kid. The pain is immense but it’s the way it has to be

  8. Have several exes I’ve remained friends with. For the most part it’s been very friendly with no weirdness. My wife was a little apprehensive at first, but I’ve met a couple of her old boyfriends, and wasn’t really bothered by it.

  9. Actually very well. We are good friends. Not very good friends, we don’t hang out. But we often talk at the gym and we text each other occasionally.

    Many people still think things are binary. It’s shocking how many guys still think men and women can’t be friends because apparently all they can think about is sex. And they have a huge ego so they can’t come back from being turned down.

    But it’s possible.

    What’s important is that you move on emotionally. It’s hard (and heart wrecking) to be friends with someone you have feelings for. But if you can move past that, then you can have good friendships.

  10. I was in love with my best friend about 3 years into dating my wife.

    I I knew I wanted to marry the girl I was with and had to make a decision about what I was going to do.

    It kind of ended with me and my friend having a talk where we basically laid everything out on where we stood.I told her how I felt and she and she acknowledged that she thought about it multiple times but never so much as to say anything and that, at that moment, she didn’t feel that way towards me at all.

    I made my peace with that and while I still had lingering feelings for her I Put those aside for the better end of my relationship, it worked out. We’re still good friends to this day and the girl I was dating I married. And my wife completely knows our history, before we got married I kind of told her everything.

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