What Is Halloween Candy You Will Never Eat?

  1. Thrills gum. I’ve no idea if people still give it out at Halloween, but I bet their house gets egged if they do. That stuff tastes like soap!

  2. Pretty much all of it. I’m Australian, we don’t have specific “Halloween candy”.

  3. Most of it honestly

    Hate candy corn, don’t really like chocolate, I’m basically there for lollipops

  4. Butterfingers, they always got stuck in my teeth like mad and were so dry. Reese’s cups give me the good dose of peanut butter and chocolate

  5. Circus peanuts. Not that my kids get them, but I did occasionally years ago and was all like “wtf?”

  6. Candy corn, Dots, tootsie rolls, butterfinger, three musketeers, lollipops, those black and orange wrapped ones, Milky Way

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