How do you deal with your SO always asking you when you will propose?

  1. She asks it in a joking matter so I always say “me??? When will you propose to me!”

  2. Considering that I’ll make it clear that I don’t want to get married early on, I won’t have this problem

  3. “Tomorrow, I’ll propose tomorrow. I promise, and it’s going to be SOOOO magical”

    And when tomorrow comes, same answer

  4. Have you been living together for more that a year? If so, then you’re common law married already. You’ve made a committment this far already.

    Are you afraid of getting hurt? How would you feel if she left you today? Would you be willing to fight to win her love again? Or, if these questions didn’t bother you then you’re not ready.

  5. Tell her if she is so ready, it is 2022, proposals don’t have to be done by a certain person…they are completely capable too…

    Aside from that, tell them you will when you are ready, and if that isn’t enough, they might not be the one for you…

  6. By having an honest and open conversation with them about our relationship and the timeline…

  7. Is that something you want? Sit down with her and have a conversation about the timeline and expectations.

    Is it something you don’t want? Sit down with her and have a conversation about your relationship and where it’s going.

  8. So since you seem to also try and tell everyone here that one should definitely get married after X time/at age X, let me ask you this one thing: Why do you even need to get married?

    You get a piece of paper that tells you, that you wanna share your life with your SO, great, so what? If you really WANT to share your life with them, you don’t need a piece of paper reminding you that you do – If you need a piece of paper to remind you that you wanna share your life with that person, you obviously actually don’t want to (anymore), because if you wanted to, you’d not need some paper to tell you that. So what exactly is the point of it then?

  9. You need to have a proper conversation about where you are in your relationship. It’s unfair keeping it going knowing she wants to get married but you don’t think you’re going to propose. You need to make sure you’re on the same page

  10. I tell her it’s never going to happen. Until divorce laws and the way family courts treat men change, it will never happen.

  11. Refer her to a shrink. Nobody would come with this to *me,* repeatedly, unless their brain was turning into soup.

  12. Women determine the birth rate, men decide the marriage rate.

    To me it seems she just wants to ” get married “,
    Women want ” to be the Bride but not the Wife”.

    Once you pull that trigger, you will unleash a chain of Events that will be completely out of your control.

    It’s all about HER.

    This would make me tread softly.
    Slow it down.
    Once you are married your life is over. She owns you, LEGALLY.

  13. If I’m wearing shoes I get down on one knee and I start tying my shoe, if she gets excited I say, “what you thought I was proposing? now?”

    If I’m not then it’ll be just, “when it’ll surprise you the most.”

  14. I told her to stop asking or I won’t do it at all.

    We’re married now, so she listened.

  15. I just got engaged at 34 for the first time. Been in plenty of 3-5 year relationships previously that never felt right. My fiance I asked her after 1 year because everything felt just right. I think I wasted a lot of time with good/comfortable fits over the right fit.

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