Hi! So I (16F) have been wanting to talk to this guy who goes to my school for a little bit now, he’s a grade above me and is always wearing shirts of bands I like lol. But the thing is i have never talked to him and have no mutual friends with him.. I kinda feel stalker-ish just staring at him. Another problem is I’ve never seen him just alone, he’s always in his big group of friends and I have no idea how to just go up and talk to him. Sorry this is kinda long, but does anyone have any ideas on how to approach him?

  1. You’re a girl, there’s nothing to do. Just say hi to him, that’s it. You need do nothing else.

    From there on in, boy will move heaven and earth to get girl to talk to him again.

  2. You say hi waddup? Looking for more People to hang out with and you seem like someone i could dig.

    Since you don’t want to rush into strong feelings before getting to know someone.

  3. It’s only creepy if you do it “creepily”, if you know what I mean. You could write your number down on a piece of paper and put it in his locker. This way you have virtually zero risk.
    You could go up to him when he is only with 1 or 2 other friends, say “Hi, I’m cornyellow and this is my number” while you hand him the piece of paper. The message is clear and you don’t need to awkwardly wait for a response – if you’re confident enough to walk up to him and say that, you can also just walk away with a smile as he takes the piece of paper.

  4. you dont. you are at school to learn doesnt matter if its high school or college. it is not the place. grow up. mature a little bit then you can think about it

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