So I’ve been feeling pretty awkward about this lately. I (17M) have developed a crush on someone I’ve been talking to for a couple years. We’ll call her Ruby. When Ruby (23F) and I started talking, we were both part of an online friend group. We split off from the group a couple times to just hang out, and I had a slight crush on her then. But that went away! I recently started talking to her again, and the feelings are back. At this point, Ruby and I are pretty close friends. But seeing as how I’m not 18 yet, I can’t do much about the feelings I have. I’ve been wanting to mention it to her, but I feel like that would be weird. I was thinking of asking her out on a date or something once I turned 18, but I’m not sure if that’s okay for me to do. I’m almost positive she’d be alright with the age gap, based on a few conversations the group has had, but the timing is what I’m worried about.

Would it be acceptable for me to ask out a friend once I turn 18, even though she’s about 6 years older than me?

  1. It’s acceptable for you to *ask,* but if she’s smart she’ll say no because you’re too young for her.

    Although the fact that she’s been an adult this whole time and still became “friends” with a minor already makes her suspect.

  2. I think you can try but beforehand I would test the waters. Means check for eye contact, her mentioning things she wouldnt tell a guy she is attracted to. The Age Gap isn’t really the problem if you are more mature & grown for your age. Dressing bit up and better plus having goals in Life is really attractive and could solve the age Gap

  3. No, by law it’s only 3 years younger. It’s like the whole highscool dating thing. You can turn 18 and be dating a 15 year old

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