How do you deal with a person who is always on the phone with the volume all the way up?

  1. Tell them to shut the fuck up before their phone does a quick float-in-water test. Or maybe a quick ‘will it frizbee, and how far’ test

  2. Tell them to turn it off. Had to do this on a plane the other day when a guy two seats over decided he was gonna watch a movie without headphones.

  3. I respond to the person on the other end of the line, loud enough for them to hear me, as if I was the one having the conversation with them. It always results in the other person either turning the volume down or leaving my vicinity entirely.

  4. My dad is that kind of person. I have a noise cancelling headset and sit in the room next to his, so a wall and about 4 meters are seperating us. Let’s say I can hear it THROUGH my headphones. Yet he complains when I slightly raise my voice when playing. I remember I went to bed early and he had his volume all the way up, I just got out of bed, went into his room, stared him down for a second, then his phone, then leaned over, turned the volume down a bit and said ‘Good night’ and went back to bed.

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