I started a new job at a dental office and I really don’t like it. I’ve only been there for 5 weeks.

The dentist is a nice guy but he’s arrogant and told me the other day that he can sense my “misery” there. Which shocked me as I try not to let it show but more often than not, I do leave in tears because I have a hard time learning to do everything there and do it correctly. Yes this job is stressful but it’s not a “ugh I don’t wanna work today” it’s more like having a nervous stomach and the feeling of absolute dread every single morning I walk through those doors. Is that normal to feel a month in a new job?

Not only that but apparently the dentist is expecting more of me personality wise.. I’m an introvert. Although I am chatty, I’m not loud. I’m soft spoken. Always have been. The dentist told me I needed to show my personality more and that I’m too quite. It actually kind of stung because I talk to everyone there. I thought I was doing well but because I don’t come in there singing and dancing I get told I’m too reserved and uptight. I used to get told I’m too quite in school years ago and I’ve made a conscience effort to be more outgoing and not be called quite. It’s always bothered me to be told that. I’ll say I have come along ways but when can I be accept for me and not be graded based on my personality? I just want to do the job and go home. I don’t need a second job of showing my true self somewhere I’m really struggling to enjoy being at.

Anyway, he told me to go home and think about if this is truly what I want to do or not because I don’t need my trainer to invest a lot of time in me if I’m going to bail soon. He’s right. I don’t know what to do. I just started. Have I not given it enough time? Is 5 weeks long enough to see if this is a right fit or not? Was that his way of saying he doesn’t want me there?

  1. It sounds like your boss is an asshole and leaving will probably save you some headaches in the future.

  2. It takes me a year to start socializing at a job bc Im focused on mastering the job. Ive been told I need to break out of my shell as well. I just hide behind tasks.

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