My(28F) husband(28M) of 2 years, relationship of 4 years wants to adopt my daughter (7F) from my first marriage. We thought this will be easy to do as her biological father, hasnt been active in her life since she was 3 years old. In our parenting agreement in the divorce proceedings my ex-husband( 27M) and I jointly agreed that I should have sole ,legal and physical custody. This is due to his physically, mentally and substance abuse past towards me and our daughter. He has not called her or had a relationship with her since November 2020, and he hasn’t paid not one Penny of child support.

When I contacted to end his parental right last June he said that he doesn’t want to because one day he would like to be a father again. I felt like this was wasnt his choice anymore since he wasnt a father since my daughter was born. My husband has been raising my daughter as his own for the past 4 years and I believe he should be recognized as such.

Last August the biological dad somehow came up with 1 year of child support and was telling me he can venmo it to me (he never venmod me) , and that he has changed and wants to try being a dad after he finishes college and gets settled. I feel like this is a repeat of the past- he always told me he would change and he never did, the last time we saw him (3 years ago) , he had pulled out a weapon (hand saw) against me in front of our daughter.

I contacted a lawyer about this , and they are asking for 4 grand to fight him legally to drop his parental rights… this is just too much money and they told me the court might say well he could have changed the last 4 years?

Idk i just need advice.

  1. I had a different opinion until I read the weapon thing. What did the cops say?? If he tried to hurt you with your daughter I HOPE you called the cops if you were truly scared! Esp to protect her. That should help your case. Bring the report to the lawyer ASAp.

    Otherwise I’d say it’s in her best interest to know he’s trying or wants to try. She’ll learn as she grows if she can count on him or not. Rather than you forcing the end of the relationship. But if he’s physically abusive, no end that for sure.

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