I really like one of my coworkers(I work in house keeping he works in the kitchen) but we never speak because we work in different areas. He spoke to me once to ask a job related question and he seemed nervous but that may be because I’m new. I also see him slightly turn his head to look at me and caught him glancing me a couple times thinking I couldn’t see him. He’s extremely introverted like me and we’re both socially awkward, how should I even approach him? Do I ask him if he wants my number or would that be too awkward? Should I even talk to him, sometimes I wonder if someone is always looking at you it doesn’t always mean they are attracted to you. There was this one time I looked at him to say hi but he seemed like he was trying to force himself to not even look at me but he’s always looking at me anytime he thinks I don’t realize that he is, however, I myself try not to look at him when we walk by each other either because being around him makes me so nervous. I’m extremely attracted to him.

1 comment
  1. Read a guide on how to become more approachable or something. Fix your body language and take a few deep breaths. I saw a beautiful girl the other day. I consider myself pretty introverted but not extremely. This girl seemed into me, she talked if I talked with her, seemed smart and everything. But she was extremely introverted. For me it was hard to gauge her interest levels and I am not one to take too bold chances. It is normally the man who is supposed to make a move but that wont always happen. If you really like someone, find a way to let him know. Men are stupid like that. We often need pretty obvious hints. Start by trying to use body language. Eye contact, play with your hair, point your body in his direction etc. If you are making yourself look approachable, most men will take a leap of faith. If that doesnt work, you have to talk with him. I dont think you can go wrong really. Ask him a question and if you can touch his arm while you ask, you will likely be positively surprised.

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