I got some tickets to a sporting event back in July. This was a sporting event she had mentioned she wanted to go to many times and had never done. I got 3 different games and she agreed to go with me for all of them.

I told her the dates several months in advance and was anticipating her coming which is why I have two tickets. She just told me that she got airline tickets (just now) to go fly back to her hometown to visit her aunt for thanksgiving weekend Thursday-Monday.

At first I understood since she moved here, going back home for a holiday like thanksgiving would be great and understandable, and a family tradition/significant holiday. But then again she said her family doesn’t even celebrate thanksgiving and parents won’t be home, I’ve taken offense that I got these tickets for US to go to on a Sunday and she just takes it for granted that the next ones may be there. She flies there Thursday and stays till the Monday rather than leaving Saturday or Sunday morning.

How do I tell her I find this annoying and pretty irritating that I did something for the both of us and she’s just tossing it away. I feel like what I did was unappreciated. Am I looking at this wrongly or being overly sensitive? What would you do or recommend in this situation?

TLDR: gave gf 3 month notice of sporting event she wanted tongo to and agreed to. Now a month away she just told me she bout tickets to fly back to hometown to visit aunt for thanksgiving and will miss the sporting event.

  1. I think you have a right to be miffed.

    But I also think it’s weird to expect someone to skip Thanksgiving/four days with their family to go to a sports event. She may not have realized it was Thanksgiving when she agreed to the date. Or she may not have realized that her aunt would be there. Who knows?

    Sure you can tell your gf you’re disappointed since she already agreed to go to the event with you. But not sure what you expect her to do at this point other than apologize (and offer to pay for her ticket if no one else will pay you for it) which hopefully she has already done.

    Can you find someone else to go with you to the sports event? Can you sell both tickets and buy a plane ticket to spend T-giving with your gf (if she is ok with that)? There are options here.

    It would help to know if backing out is a regular thing for your gf or if this is unusual for her.

  2. It seems like you’re jumping to conclusions- it’s likely that your gf simply forgot when the dates of the games were, or perhaps was only able to get flights for those days and prioritized seeing family for Thanksgiving since you have 2 other games to go to. Did you say “GF, did you realize we have tickets to x game on x date? It hurts my feelings that you didn’t check about this first”

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