We had a really nice first date. We got very close, strolled trough the city hand in hand and also kissed. We wanted to meet a few days later but we got both sick, so we had to cancel. After that she send me a voice massage where she said, it would be nice to hear from u. I answered within a few hours, asked her if we should make a phone call in the next days and when she will be around again, since she is living in another city. I took her some days to answer, what made me kind of nervous. I called her again but she could not take the call. She wrote me that we could talk on anther day. So i asked her when she has some time. This was yesterday. Still don’t have an answer. I think about just calling her. This drives me crazy. Any advice? Am I to clingy maybe?

  1. I don’t think you are too clingy.
    I personally think she is taking it slow because she don’t know whether you are the right person for her yet. (might be comparing you with another guy)
    I think you can continue trying but at the same time open to other girls too.

  2. Don’t get hung up on one person. Let go a little bit. Your time and energy is valuable and if it’s not being reciprocated then more than likely she’s not worth your time, and you’d find that out anyways. It should feel natural and effortless in the beginning. Sometimes things can go great and then fall off. It happens. Best thing you can do is not get hung up over it.

    People who are worth your time will make it known to you through their behavior towards you.

  3. would you treat a person you care about the way that this person is treating you?

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