I recently got diagnosed with genital herpes and I’m afraid no one will ever love me now. Can anyone give me advice? Am I now loveless? I feel so gross. I’m F20 btw.

  1. Make sure you disclose this information with all of your future potential sexual partners. You can get in big trouble if you withhold that information. Sorry this happened to you. Good luck out there.

  2. You aren’t the only person who has genital herpes. There are medications that can reduce the chance of transmission with an uninfected partner.

    The main thing will be honesty with any potential partner. Even though you are generally only at risk during an outbreak, you might not know if you are having a mild outbreak.

    There are herpes support groups, and things like herpes-positive singles groups where you can meet other people who are also dealing with herpes.

    Remember, too, that genital herpes is one of a family; things like chicken pox are also a herpes virus. They like hanging out in the body and causing grief later on, it seems; chicken pox can give you shingles later in life, for instance. You aren’t loveless or gross for what’s happened to you.

    Talk with your physician about what options exist for you, what you can do to reduce the frequency or severity of outbreaks, how you can protect future sexual partners, and if there are any support groups in your area.

  3. A lot of people have herpes I think 1 in 3 people have some variation of it it’s not the end of the world as long as your honest and do your research

  4. I have genital Herpes as well both types, you aren’t gross ! And someone will love you trust me lol. It takes time but I promise you’ll be okay but you have to put the work in to be okay.

  5. Currently dating someone with genital HSV-1, it has never been an issue. They take medication for it, have infrequent flare ups that we just stop having sex/kissing during, and was upfront about it. Honestly, outside of flare ups and when they told me, it never crosses my mind. I love them dearly and them being upfront and honest about it just showed me that they’re a caring and trustworthy person. You’re not unlovable and there will definitely be someone out there for you!

  6. Medical student here:

    You said he went off on you and blamed you in an earlier comment. I have A few questions if you don’t mind.

    1) did you feel any flu-like symptoms specifically after sexual intercourse with him (within 2 weeks after sex with him)

    2) did the outbreak happen immediately after him?

    3) were you active with anyone else during this time?

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