What’s a big turn off for you?

  1. One big turn off for me is arrogance which is something I think we can all agree is a turn off to everybody.

  2. Lying, gaslighting, constantly telling me that I’m doing shit wrong, feeling pressured into shit, not being able to relax…

    So hi, just got done thinking about my ex. How’s your day?

  3. I dunno at this point.

    I’d say smoking, drinking, arrogance, fake behavior, etc etc but my dumb arse can be too flexible and have a soft spot sometimes when it comes to some people, especially when it starts as friendships and because of some “loyalty” I accept and make excuses for them.

  4. Arrogance.

    Acting like you’re smarter or better or more intelligent or anything that screams that you think you are above me is an instant turn-off.

    It’s why humility is so attractive overall

  5. Disinterest. I don’t want someone who doesn’t want me back. That is very different from playfully playing hard to get.

  6. Smoking.

    Talking obnoxiously loud in public (and being totally clueless that you’re doing so).

    General lack of self-awareness.

    Treating people you don’t know poorly.

  7. Not taking care of oneself.
    It can come in many forms in my opinion,
    From bad hygiene to smoaking and to being obese.

    I want someone for the long run, I also like doing a lot of activities that need atleast a basic level of fitness.

  8. Guilt tripping, silent treatment, not respecting boundaries, jealousy, demanding things, expecting me to read their mind, the inability to forgive and forget. Beautiful people in appearance can become so ugly when they are emotionally immature.

  9. Anytime my wife just lays flat on the bed before sex like a starfish. I instantly know that I’m gonna have to do all the work for no foreplay in return. Makes me not want to do it anymore

  10. Double standards, don’t bitch at me for making one mistake while you do it all the time

  11. The ridiculously long nails that are in style right now. I hate them, they kinda creep me out and I would be willing to bet they aren’t exactly clean. Don’t get me wrong I have dirt under my nails but I’m not so sure they didn’t just wipe and get a little something on there that didn’t get washed off properly.

  12. Thinking coffee is a hobby and having to take a photo/video of everything you eat and do.
    Why can’t people just enjoy the moment without having to put it all over social media

  13. Talking in baby voice or calling me baby like my current girlfriend is doing. It’s doing my head in

  14. Arrogance, a know it all, very stupid

    Arrogance speaks for itself, a know it all is just annoying and, I know we all have our own levels of intelligence but I don’t wanna feel like I’m talking to a 4th grader when I’m talking to someone my own age

  15. Nose/septum/eyebrow piercings. Make women look absolutely hideous and it seems like a trend nowadays. I hate it.

  16. “I expect you to plan all the dates or find something else to contribute to the relationship”

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