So I’m new to dating apps (and dating in general tbh) I’ve never been one for casual hookups so I want to get to know the person and message a lot in chat before any other developments.
Anyway, the first few “matches” I had I never got the sense the conversations were going anywhere, either I was doing all the work or it felt tame and lifeless. But this one girl I’ve matched we’ve talked, not for long, just a day but no more than a few minutes between messages. We seemed to have lots in common and opened up to each and I really felt like there was something there. Then after i messaged last, like another full day ago, nothing.
I don’t feel like it’s long enough for me to have been ghosted. She could just have been busy. But now I’m not sure how to proceed. I want to keep it going but I don’t want to seem pushy or impatient being the one who sends several messages in a row to get attention.

Do I keep waiting? Give up? If I message what do I say? Do I acknowledge the gap in time or just try to keep up the discourse? I’m too inexperienced with this stuff to know, and I don’t want to come across as desperate.

  1. How about you ask her out then go from there. Don’t waste time chatting on apps get dates.

  2. >like another full day ago, nothing

    If she hasn’t responded in 24 hours, you’re pretty much done. Unmatch and move on.

    She’s probably got another 20 matches she’s already talking to. You’re probably long forgotten.

    Next time you match, text the girl over a couple of quick texts, if you feel a connection, *then ask her out* preferably on a date within 3 days of initial contact. Don’t make it too far in the future, she may match with a better suitable guy from the 20 matches she’s getting every day and cancel on you.

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