How have your friendships and groups evolved as you got older?

  1. Mostly gone but the ones who had deeper connections are still there. Not often, not many, far away, but still there for me

  2. I actually went from having no friends as a kid and being severely bullied through high school to making my best friends in college and at work through the past 7 years!

  3. From childhood I talk to 2 or so but they live I. Ohio so haven’t seen since I got married 4 yrs ago. Talk ever so often.
    From high school I bairly talk to 1.
    Lots I have burned bridges as they were toxic and I became less naive.
    I have a cupple good friends maybe 5 that I have strong bonds with. And a few who are aqantances. Maby like 3 more.

  4. My individual friendships are still strong and intact but I haven’t been in a friend group since college and I doubt I will be in one ever again.

  5. I am lucky that my groups have grown. I still have the same core friends since Kindergarten. 4 of us did all of school together (minus one year for me) and even though we all live scattered across the globe we are still close, talk fairly regularly and see each other ever 2 years. One of those is my bff and we talk every day. We travel to see each other at least 2 times a year. I didn’t make friends in high school or college, I moved the last year of HS to a new country and didn’t click with people there. I have made friends after college though and while those are not close on a “talk on a daily basis” situation, I’ve maintained most of those new friendships in a steadfast way. There’s an understanding that even if we may not be the closest, one need only ask, and we will be there. I’m going to the wedding of one such friend from 20 years ago who I only see every 5 years or so, but the bond is still a strong one.

  6. I’m alone most of the time but that’s how I like it, social media isn’t really for me except for Reddit since I am anonymous.

  7. Best friend of 10 years from high school couldn’t agree with my first healthy relationship, I feel like it was a bit of a jealousy thing unfortunately

  8. I don’t talk to anybody I went to high school or college with, with the exception of saying hi if we bump into each other at the store.

    I did keep in close contact with just one classmate from high school (I graduated in 2011, he did in 2010) until 2018… when he killed himself.

  9. All moved to different states and have kids. When I try to contact, most of them don’t respond till several days later. It’s usually because they are busy.

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