First of all I still don’t understand it, just saw a YouTube short of a girl portraying a guy that is “that guy”

She was exaggerating it but I the idea of it now. The dude makes or say shit that make the woman pity him or something.

But to me it’s more so he is just letting her know he is interested and waiting for her to decide or wanting her to thinking about it or to see how she responds to see if he should make a shot or not

Just I’m taking the content I saw in a jaded type way

Because none of it makes sense especially when you the read the comments it’s like to me they don’t understand guys at all

Like a comment said something about a attractive guy acting like he is not so he can get compliments

And I don’t think men ever intentionally fish for compliments

Like the dude can legit be talking about a insecurity and wanting a woman opinion on it

He is not looking for you to pity him but advice

But the comments to the video was so annoying to read because every girl that talked about a guy like this was not just a person they were talking to but a “guy friend”

Meaning they were friends so the dude was comfortable to say certain things to her

And it’s looked at as cringe and ugly and so on

I’m currently talking to a girl and I just would hate for her to see me in that light I already stammer at times when I talk to her and she is cool with that it because I think to much and not present when I do see her and talk to her.

But another like reality of things I’m seeing

Is women like the attention they are getting no matter if it’s lame or not and going to be okay with it to a extent

Because that’s the only reason why or how I can see for a woman to let “that guy” get comfortable with her and get her number and to call her and tell her these things and be basically weak and vulnerable to her

Like there was a comment on the video about talking about women saying she knows a guy that call her friend and was like that and was on speaker phone so they all like heard it

So men are humiliating them selves in a sense

I could be overthinking it

Just my like thing is in regard to my situation I just want to enjoy my time with her before she goes away

But like from watching that video it’s like

I should just try to take

not pick me

even tho I don’t ever be like pick me

but it shouldn’t be wrong to actually be desired to be chosen by the person you like or want

But it’s like it is

Because In regard to chasing

Pick me vibes is not chasing their was another video talking about why women make guys chase she saids it’s in our dna
and the smallest of things is what important to say

Also another reality of things

It’s like everything needs to be like “never turn her off”

Because playing my cards right but then me being insecure or not “confident” turns her off

So I guess being confident is really really. Really important

But I think it’s f$&king stupid

You want the person or you do not.

And it’s like its inadvertently better for a guy to be a lie or a act or just the best parts of himself and nothing else

Also I never been about fling $h!t

But talking to a few women on here that dm me about dating advice

It’s like I see how women want sex too
But also it’s like …it’s just odd to be honest

Sex is no big deal for a woman I think like not at all for a woman

It’s more so of a concern if they would want to commit with you

Or be a fling with you

But how are flings properly establish and how do they end

Is it really just happen by accident every time? From the guy just not committing?
Or compromising this situationship that started as friends as a boyfriend and girlfriend type thing?

Like I heard a woman say that like if she going to have sex without commitment

She might as well be having sex with a guy that wanted to lay her $2000 for sex and sell nudes and so on

And I’m like what it made me think about things in deeper regard like what of what women say and want

  1. So my boyfriend is right. Girls are pretty much shitty these days and truly annoyingly frustrating to be around. It’s not you, and what you feel is legit.

  2. This is what’s confusing you. You’re taking what ppl say on the internet as gospel. Human interaction is extremely nuanced. It’s not that “Oh saying x makes you a fuccboi” or doing y is a “pick me dude” move. No.

    Also understand that you CANNOT control what someone else thinks about you and all women don’t think the same. 4 women can all see you do the same thing and have 4 different takeaways from it. It doesn’t mean one is right and the others are wrong but that’s just how they intrepret it. That’s all.

    My advice is get the OFF of Youtube, OUT of your own head and if you wanna date go out and date.

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