Hey y’all – I find most attempts to pickup a hobby end up being fruitless for me. I always seem to pickup something that is too time involving and after several months, start to lose interest. It also doesn’t help that by the end of the day, I’m almost half asleep lol.

What are some hobbies you have that you can do after work to keep you entertained/wrap up the day with?

  1. I really enjoy cooking after work. Chopping is very relaxing and pulling together a meal let’s me be a bit creative. I always feel less stressed after. Plus I get to eat it when I am done.

  2. [the gym](https://i.imgur.com/vwEty4y.jpg), as I am doing right now after work.

    yep, I’m beat after work too. yep, I don’t want to go to the gym. I am yawning while I stretch, I am lethargic as I get started, but boy howdy do I ever feel great when I get home. every. single. time.

  3. Take a cruise down backstreets and get ripped, if I start laundry right after work I’ll say fuck it and go to bed..

  4. A walk is great. One lap of my subdivision is a mile and takes about 20-25 minutes for me to just mindlessly walk it.

    Cooking while jamming to some music in the kitchen while I do it is a good one for me too. Something you can sing along and dance to.

    The gym can be, but personally, I’m much more successful using my second wind for that later in the evening. Plus, the gym is far less crowded at 10:30 than it is at 6:30.

  5. Assembling models, woodworking, arduino programming, photography using a phone, driving in the country.

  6. Stamp collecting. Albums, catalogs, making pages, it’s very relaxing and as analog as you get!

  7. I enjoy bjj, lacrosse or mma before coming home. Something i can do to take up my time and just not think about anything helps.

  8. weightlifting. Now, obviously, if you have a physically demanding job then this is not relevant. But if you’re a desk jocky like me, I find it’s a great way to let the brain relax, get the heart pumping, relieve stress, and feel a whole lot better afterwards.

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