Getting ready in the morning, sitting on the train, attending lectures, during breaks, etc. – during all of these activities, I barely have any thoughts. It’s like I’m taking in sensory information but not responding to any of it.

It just occurred to me that this might not be normal. And it’s probably one of the reasons why I rarely have anything interesting to say to anyone.

So… is it normal? And could it realistically be a factor in my not having much to say in conversation?

1 comment
  1. Most people don’t have a constantly running internal dialogue. I myself usually “think” in a combination of images, emotions and impressions, unless I am reading something or planning a conversation in my head. There’s a sort of sliding scale of “no internal dialogue ever” to “only thinks in words”, and you and I exist on the left side of that scale. Yes, it’s normal.

    Being a conversationalist is a skill like any other and can be learned. Good luck.

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