Men of reddit, what is your tried and true method of asking a woman for her phone number/social media?

  1. You just ask lol. Why do some men act like you need a master’s degree to talk to women?

  2. “Give me your phone number/social media otherwise I’ll stab you”

    Usually works.

    Failing that. Just ask directly with no fear or expectations.

  3. Don’t ask. Just give her yours if you think she is interested. If she is actually interested she’ll call/text you.

  4. Back in my dating days I literally would just go up to a girl/woman and ask for it. If I got shot down it was almost always with a, “I’m seeing someone.”

  5. For people I have some sort of rapport with and can tell they dig me, I’ll just ask “Hey let me get your number so we can keep in touch” or something like that

    But if it’s just like totally random, like someone you met for 2 minutes and have to part ways, I always give women MY phone number, so that way if I’m totally off-base and she’s not interested, I don’t put her into the situation of having to turn me down or lie about it, or even worse she gives me her number then realizes she made a mistake. then if she was feelin’ anything and wants to hit me up, it’s up to her. If not, it was never gonna happen anyway most likely.

  6. Talk to her, if you’re connecting then ask. If it gets awkward then you got your answer.

  7. Don’t go for social media, you’ll just be another follower. Depends on circumstances but usually I ask by just asking “hey can I get your number?”

    Or better yet, give her your number. Put the ball in her court.

  8. Depends on the vibe, but I’ve had pretty good luck with handing my phone over to her and letting her do her thing.

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