For context I’m 24 (F) and they are 28 (F).
We matched on tinder a couple times but never talked on there but we have a couple mutuals, they followed me on IG and we started talking through there.
We hung out like 3 or 4 times, went on one date. They started off pretty intense but I thought that was just how they are as a person.

A few potential red flags I looked past:
-pet names almost from the get go
-when we hung out at her place the first time we met they begged me to stay the night and not leave (I didn’t)and whenever we hang out at their place they don’t want me to leave/wants me to stay the night
-talks about herself a lot even after asking something about myself
-wanted to introduce me to their all of her friends
-says she talks about me all the time

Alright so up until this past weekend so we haven’t seen each other in almost 2 weeks, she comes to visit me at work (with consent) I work at a bar.
We actually had a really good time and I was feeling alright with everything, until when the bar was closing and we were saying goodbye and she told me I love you. I probably had a serious facial reaction because I was so stunned to hear that from someone who probably doesn’t know really much about me or even know my last name lol.

I didn’t know what to say and she kinda was like about to take it back but instead goes “uh well uh yeah” and I just gave them a hug and replied with I love your presence!! And left lol.
She texted me later that night like nothing happened and I didn’t response til the next day and honestly shared how it made me uncomfortable she said she loves me when I felt like we were still getting to know each other (and I previously stated my boundaries before that I wanted to take things slow). And I ended it with saying maybe we’re not on the same page with our relationship after all.

She responded with a bunch of long paragraphs kinda having a laugh at it? saying she doesn’t love me, she has love FOR me, and that we don’t know each other that well for her to feel like that and she meant it in an “endearing way”
She then says she didn’t mean to make me uncomfortable and that I don’t have to worry about moving to fast because she doesn’t wanna rush things either.

She continues to say she tries to be flexible with me and be understanding?? And because of a single comment she made she doesn’t want me to feel like we aren’t on the same page??
She ended it with thanking me for bringing it up for communication purposes and said she laughs because she didn’t mean it that way especially after just getting out of a 2 year relationship. Note that she continued to call me the pet name “love” while saying all this 😶

I haven’t responded to this yet because I feel so lovebombed by this person and conflicted. I don’t even know what to say. But I don’t think I want to continue seeing her anymore because I feel so anxious and uncomfy lol plz help. Thoughts and advice??????

  1. Oof that’s way too intense, I wouldn’t pursue this one any further to be honest. From the sounds of it she sounds like she’d constantly test and push your boundaries 🙁 sorry op this sounds rly stressful!

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