Ladies who are under 130lbs, what’s your diet?

  1. In my casei think it’s a lot of luck. Granted I’m vegetarian, but shouldn’t be as light considering the amount of ice cream that goes into me.

    What I will say is I feel a good amount of jogging and yoga probably helps.

  2. I eat whatever I want to eat. I just count calories and make sure I don’t exceed my daily limit more than maybe once a week, and try to focus most of my daily calorie intake to a few hours in the afternoon/evening.

  3. Whatever I feel like eating – i dont count calories or anything like that. It’s worth noting that I don’t overeat though – I eat big portions at meals but I don’t snack much (maybe 2 or 3 biscuits in a day) and I stop eating when I’m full. I also cook most of my own meals and I love veg so they’re never super unhealthy.

  4. I’m 90lb. I actually eat a lot, usually 2000 or more kcal a day.
    I eat a lot of stuff like avocados, sweet potatoes, chicken/Turkey… but also a fair amount of fatty food like pizza/burgers.
    I just don’t eat things like candies, empty snacks, sodas, chocolate, beans.

  5. I try to balance my diet, it’s easier now I have a few go to meals to cook. Limit take away food and exercise 5 to 8 times a week, different intensities but at least 4 are workout sessions and others are fun classes then I also have a semi physical job so when I do wat crap food I can somewhat get away with it

  6. I’m small but avg weight for my age/height. Breakfast – coffee, occasionally a pastry, rarely a 2 egg breakfast. Lunch – salad or sandwich or half portion of leftovers from last nights dinner. Dinner – typically roasted veggies, grain or bread, and baked protein (usually fish or chicken). Eat only until comfortably full and avoid feeling stuffed. Rarely snack. I don’t try to diet, this is just what I gravitate to.

  7. I don’t have a specific diet that I follow but I do have a pattern.. usually it’s either cereal, a bagel, or a frozen breakfast sandwich when on the go in the morning, then some sort of sandwich or soup, salad or wrap for lunch, and then dinner is always a meat-potato- veggie kinda dish. However, I love to cook and I love vegetables.. I often will disguise veggies in my dishes and he doesn’t even notice.. haha

    Edit: also my mom had a thyroid problem so it could be possible that I have that too it just hasn’t presented itself.

  8. I hardly eat fast food and I avoid anything that’s fried or heavy for the most part.

    A mixture of fruits and vegetables with rice bread and meat. Similar to the Mediterranean diet.

    I do of course eat other cuisines as well.

  9. totally random. sweet potatoes, veggie ravioli, cauliflower or chickpea pasta with veggies, fruits, chicken with noodles and japanese bbq sauce, pizza, tacos, burgers, bagels with avocado and/or cheese, smoked salmon, cereal (proper healthy cereals, not like children’s cereal) and fiber or protein bars, chocolate, kale chips, beet chips, roasted seaweed, salads, skyr or cottage cheese, etc.

    i work in healthcare and suck at eating (like i don’t do meals unless it’s a cheeseburger or taco, i do ingredients, like bread and then some cheese) so… not great, but i do try to at least get enough veggies, fiber, protein. mostly i just… have crap interoception, not enough appetite for the amount of activity i have to do at work, and get distracted by like reading or sex or whatever. prioritizing veggies/fiber and protein is a generally healthy thing to do, at least, though.

  10. I eat peanut butter oatmeal for breakfast, usually with a side of broccoli (i know it sounds weird but the broccoli is my favorite part). My big meal (late afternoon or early evening) is usually a large high protein pasta dish of some kind with a lot of veggies mixed in. Sometimes I’ll throw in an extra meal — a plain hamburger maybe or a dessert, but usually I’m not hungry enough for that. A half a sleeve of saltines is my go-to snack — I don’t have that every day, but probably several times a week. I drink water pretty much exclusively. I love berries and a lot of fruit juices, but all the ones I like lower my blood pressure too much, so I have to stay away from them.

  11. 5’8”, 122-125. Its all over the place!. I WFH and hate cooking with a passion (sensory issues and the smells/heat/sounds make me panicky), so its usually: wake up, cinnamon raisin bagel + peanut butter for breakfast, something like chips and salsa + guac for lunch, and then a big dinner that my partner cooks. Usually along the lines of ribs, pizza bread, burgers, nacho trays, lemon chicken pasta, or quesadillas. Then maybe a few bites of something sweet before bed. I don’t really measure anything, but I usually get like less than 5-10 bites into sweets before the sugar makes me kinda sick, so portioning or calorie counting hasn’t ever really been a concern.

    Tbh I think most of staying thin is due to sensory issues for me. I just can’t eat a lot of any one thing before I get wigged out, and the sounds/smells/noises keep me from actually enjoying cooking anything for myself.

    Edit: That and growing up during the 2008 recession! I didn’t learn until I was 20 that the “fancy French cheese nights” my mom would make for us was really Cracker Barrel white cheddar and saltines. So eating light is kinda a habit!

  12. I am 97lbs. I eat everything and have tried weight-gain diet. Nothing helps. My genes are responsible for this.

    Edit :- no need to downvote me, lol! I didn’t write that to boast about being skinny. I am underweight and struggling to gain weight. It’s weird how people can’t understand that being underweight can be an issue too.

  13. The biggest problem for me is my drinks. I haven’t had a soda in about a year. I gave up those 900 calorie fraps from Starbucks. It’s just a coffee milkshake. But I tend to eat more protein and veggies over carbs. But I don’t deny anything. If I want it, I’m eating it in a reasonable amount.

  14. Probably genetics, I’ve never gone on a diet I believe it messes with your metabolism. I eat whatever I feel like, but my portions aren’t big. Lots of chicken, fish, pasta and rice for dinner because I like the taste. If I want chocolate I’ll eat it but I’ll have chocolate in the house for weeks because I only go for small amounts. Yogurt and muesli for breakfast or toast. If I buy a takeout stir fry I’ll save half for tomorrow.

  15. Well, firstly, 130lbs is such an arbitrary number when we consider body fat and height.

    For reference, I’m 5’7, athletic build, 128.

    3-4 egg omelet, maybe some toast on the side. I usually skip lunch because I don’t have time, so a yogurt, apple, and a protein bar instead. And then dinner, which is usually something a protein and some veg of some sort. I don’t eat many carbs, don’t track anything, and I think soda and juice are the worst possible things you could consume.

  16. I struggle with appetite a lot due to some meds I’m on. I end up drinking a lot of soylent because of it. 400cal bottles you can chug and then be done. Move on with your day.

    And I like protein shakes…so I guess a lot of a liquid diet

  17. Honestly, it’s mostly about genes. I’ve always been skinny and never had to worry much about food.

    However, I have been vegan for ten years now and my diet is healthier than average. I do eat burgers occasionally, but sugar makes me nauseous so I rarely eat sweets and I never drink softdrinks. I also get nauseous from too much fat (chips for example), so things like that aren’t really on my diet – although I’m not avoiding them for health reasons.

    The biggest part of what I eat is a base like pasta, rice, corn or potatoes; then a large amount of vegetables (organically directly from a farm), then often a vegan meat replacement (but not always) such as plant-based steak, tofu or sausages.I also eat lots of lentils, beans or chickpeas and they’re a great protein source.

    Dessert is not on my diet unless I’m invited somewhere. My family never made dessert and I’m not that fond of it anyway.

  18. Being tiny with a small frame. 130 pounds is totally different for one person than another. Comparing yourself to someone else’s absolute weight or clothes size is really unhealthy.

  19. I just avoid fried foods and sugared beverages, after that I eat pretty much anything my mom cooks which is healthy

  20. I eat whatever I want but I stop eating before I get too full, and I try not to eat too late at night.

  21. I’m 5’2″. I only eat whenever I feel hungry. I drink 2L of water everyday. I used to do IF and no rice when I reached around 56kg. Now my weight fluctuates between 52kg to 54kg. I do like veggies. I rarely eat pork and beef, only chicken and fish.

  22. Terrible. I eat more take-out than home cooked meals. 90% of the vegetables I buy rot in my fridge.

    I just don’t eat very much. I exercise fairly regularly. I’m on my feet all day for my job.

    I’m also 5’2″ so 130 lbs is a lot different for me than someone who’s significantly taller.

  23. Coffee for breakfast. Smoothie or cereal around 10ish when I get hungry. Lunch is usually spicy lentils (if I made a batch), or dinner leftovers, or sometimes I’ll just grab some cheese and crackers or anything apple and peanut butter around 2 if I wasn’t very hungry. Yesterday it was a bag of microwave popcorn. Dinner could be anything from lasagna and salad to homemade ramen to takeout Indian, just depends on what I’d menu planned that week and what we’re in the mood for.

    Basically I eat what I want, when I want, and as long as it fits into my calories for the day I’m good to go. Also, I’m 50 and 5’2″, I don’t need a lot of calories.

  24. I’m not a vegetarian but most of the meals I eat are vegetarian (I definitely won’t say no to sushi though! As long as they’re nigiri not creamy/cheesy sushi abomination). I eat 1-2 meals a day but when I’m close to my period, I eat like a monster. I still snack but I ration it for a month or maybe two lol aaand I only eat ice cream once a month during my period when it’s the heaviest.

  25. Fyi- take 130 to be whatever the equivalent for your frame is. The general point or idea if the question is the same: how does the diet component of your routine help you maintain a trim appearance

  26. I eat whenever I’m hungry and I eat what I want, mostly unhealthy foods.

    I don’t eat breakfast, regularly skip lunch and I usually eat something small for dinner.

    Don’t use me as an exemaple for how to be a lightweight. 🙂

    Edit: I have IBS and I throw up or have diarrhea whenever I eat just one bite too much. Basically, I’m afraid to eat during the day, when other people are around.

  27. I eat one slice of toast instead of two. One biscuit instead of 3. I’m not afraid to throw food in the bin if I don’t want to eat anymore. I won’t serve out maximum portions if I make too much I will save some int he fridge or throw it is it’s spare chips etc. sometimes I skip breakfast. I drink lots of tea. I always leave at least one bite of food. It could be the crust of a sandwich or pizza. It’s a strange habit and may be seen as wasteful or financially illogical but the clear your plate thing just seems forced to me, I stop if I’m full and I bet people spend a lot more on personal trainers or the gym than on so many bites of food per week.

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