I’ve been in a relationship with this guy for more than 2 years already, and we’ve never been able to post our pictures through social media. We’ve understood and agreed that will be fine to have our relationship be more private on social media since only our close friends know about our relationship. I understand he just wanted to be private but I just wonder why he hasn’t put me on his phone’s wallpaper? I’m having such anxiety about why he does it to his exes but not for me, like having some thoughts that I’m too ugly to be on his home screen.

  1. Have you talked to him about it? It doesn’t necessarily mean anything at all that he doesn’t, but since it bothers you, that’s something you should be able to discuss with your partner

  2. Why don’t you just ask him instead of assuming??
    That way you get a clear answer and you also don’t have to worry about your constant anxiety about it

  3. Have you asked him why he hasn’t? I don’t have my wife as my background and we’ve been together for 17 years.

  4. No. I actually get slightly annoyed or angry whenever someone posts me or has a background of me.

    He’s apparently done it with his exes, and maybe he did that because they wanted him to, he did if off of his own according, he wanted a memory of them, or whatever. And it’s possible he just stopped liking changing his background all together.

    How often does he use his phone? As I myself don’t use mine commonly, I still have the stock background for it. If he uses his a lot, maybe he just doesn’t want to change it or just doesn’t feel the need to.

    Also, just a quick question… what do you mean by “sa”? The only things I can think of off the bat is surface area or sexual assault (which I’m hoping someone doesn’t just post someone’s trauma unless they get the green light, but even then that’s best kept shared with very limited people).

  5. >I just wonder why he hasn’t put me on his phone’s wallpaper?

    That’s a very juvenile way of thinking. If your partners phone settings cause you this much grief, I don’t think you should be in a relationship.

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