(24M ) I just think it’s so useless and brings pain and problems. I find my need for it getting lesser and lesser. I have been in kind of a dead bedroom for a year now and before sex was all I could think about. The other day my gf (24) & I had sex after almost two months of nothing. I thought I’d be wanting it more after that but I’ve gotten into a mental state that’s so confusing especially being in a relationship where my needs weren’t/ aren’t necessarily met sexually for the longest id ever experienced.

Now just thinking of a woman even wanting sex from me makes me almost repulse . I’m not attracted to Men at all whatsoever so I know it’s not that either. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but even thinking back to when I did want sex makes me so upset and embarrassed because now I find it almost immature to even hear my friends brag and talk about sex. It literally makes my skin crawl. What’s wrong with me? I don’t desire a sex life at all now and hate speaking/listening about it all. I feel like our world revolves around it and I can barely go a day without it coming up as a topic. Every time there’s a sex conversation I literally get annoyed af and don’t say a word.

TLDR: I used to have a very high sex drive. Now I’m borderline disgusted by the simple thought of it.

  1. I’ve been in your shoes.
    For me it was easier to deal with the rejection by switching off all my desire for it.

    In the end she left me lol. I’ve since had amazing sex with someone else and the desire came right back.

    It’s probably time to move on. If you aren’t getting your needs meet the relationship will just get worse and worse. Also you deserve to have your needs met and to be with someone who wants you. Only you can make that happen.

  2. Congratulations! You may be asexual! Nothing wrong with that. Talk to your girlfriend about it though.

  3. I’m in your shoes right now. I used to have a high sex drive but now I’m horny once a month if that. The lovely by product of a dead bedroom.

  4. I think you may reacting at some kind of frustration or trauma or something that i can’t tell since i don’t know you. You said that you had a dead bed for 2 months so i wonder if you aren’t reacting to the fear of not feeling appreciated sexually by your gf.

    Anyway i advice to visit a psychologist, i think it’s normal to born asexual, but shouldn’t be ok to become one, and this would bring you a lot of troubles because as you said, sex is an important topic, almost an obsession, and avoid it can make your love life non existent, or at least really problematic.

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