Cause I’m never sure if they’re really into me or not. And I don’t want to get things wrong and extremely embarass myself and maybe them as well. And also I never know if girls think as a creep or not so, I prefer to wait, but I’m not sure if that’s the right option.

  1. No, most girls (especially attractive ones) will never ask you out even if they’re madly in love with you, let alone if they only like you a little bit.

  2. I’d first learn to look for signs that a woman likes you and then just go and ask them out. Some women will ask you out first but it’s super rare so you shouldn’t count on it.

    Worst case she says no and you move on. No big deal, plenty of tin cans in the alley, some just have shinier bottoms than others

  3. If girls don’t have to ask guys out, they don’t get to complain if the guys they picked turn out to be bad or use her for sex.

    If she really wanted you, she should put her ego aside and make the first move against the norms. Or you can just move onto the next girl. Time does not wait for her.

  4. Don’t wait. At best you’ll get her to suggest in a subtle way you could meet soon or like me get told she expected to get invited sooner.

    If you’re looking for something serious, try to talk a bit for a few days (maybe 3 to 7 days max, adjust this depending on how this goes) and then ask her simply something like “How about we meet soon ?” or “How about I take you on a date soon ?” and then plan something if she’s down for it

  5. Personally I say it can go multiple ways in my opinion. Some girls are absolutely sure of themselves and go for what they want, while some play the “I want to make you want me more than I want you” game. The majority though are too shy to even speak up due to fear of rejection, which I feel is normal.

    I think when you find someone you really like or are willing to take a leap of faith on, you’ll be able to make that first move. Though, I’ll be frank, if you’re just honest from the beginning and tell the girl she needs to ask you out if she wants something more than friendship, then you need to be willing to communicate you have feelings in another way to make it easier for her to understand that you are also interested in her.

    Everyone has insecurities like you, but just be open about them. If you think you’re genuinely interested in a person but you can’t be vulnerable with them about your insecurities and/or honest about how you feel about them, then maybe it’s just not worth the effort.

  6. I have been asked out for many time by women and mostly refuse to go!

    Only date girls which are good at your standards! Doesn’t matter that you ask them out or they asked you out! I guess you are in your 20s ! When you reach to late 20s ,girls will lower their standards and date logically and sometimes even without emotion! In that area you will find your mate, only thing you must do is not being a toxic person!

  7. you need to ask them out if you’re interested.

    And yes some of them will think you’re a creep but don’t worry you won’t be in their life , so that’ll be okay

    I say this because you can’t please everybody all the time and sometimes you’re just going to have to live in the world knowing that somebody out there thinks you’re not awesome

  8. Girls almost never ask the guy out so you will be waiting a lot time. The best way to never be seen as creepy by any girl is to avoid ever being seen by them. Or you can learn some social skills and how to read people. When you sense that a girl may be interested, be a man and talk to her.

  9. I only had one girl approach me throughout my whole life. All the others gave me the ‘look’ to go up to them because they weren’t going to. 9.9 times out if 10 you have to approach them unfortunately

  10. As much as women talk about gender equality and all that, by far and large, many aren’t willing to take on the vulnerability of asking guys out. It’s still such a heavily engraved expectation that guys will. I’d focus on honing your skills of reading people.

  11. Be confident and ask her the worst u can get is a no, it’s a strong possibility you could be banging her everyday if u do

  12. Girls just don’t generally ask guys out. They want you to show the confidence to ask them out because confidence is attractive. One thing I learned as an adult that I wish I learned when I was a teenager is “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” If you ask them out there is always a chance they will say yes. If you never ask them out then there is no chance they will say yes.

    So just do it. Only one thing will change when you ask a girl out and that is that you will go from not having a date to having a date. And if she says no then you will go from not having a date to not having a date. When you think about it you can only gain from asking a girl on a date or even to be your girlfriend. You lose nothing if she says no. Yeah it might make you feel uncomfortable, but a lot of things in life will make you feel uncomfortable. You get over it. And if she says no then it means you can move on faster.

    Also another thing I wish I knew as a teenager. If you ask a girl out and she says anything other than yes, or gives any sort of excuse then it means no, she’s not interested. “I’m not ready for a relationship right no” “I just got out of a relationship” “I want to stay single for a while.” All lies, all excuses (yes, even if she DID just get out of a relationship). If a girl likes you and wants to go out with you then nothing will stop her from saying yes. Simple as that. If a girl gives an excuses to you, but the guy she wants to go out with instead asked her instead of you, she would have said yes to that guy and not given him the excuses she gave you. So anything other than a yes, is a no. Remember that and move on and don’t waste your time waiting for her.

  13. No, my bro.

    Ask her out, and if she says no, move on. As time passes you’ll get used to it and rejection will not feel embarrasing at all.
    Chances are – while you’re waiting for her to ask you, plenty of guys are actually getting the job done asking her first.

    However, by any kind of chance a girl ask you out – take this very seriously. Takes a huge aumont of bravery and courage for a girl to step up first. It really means something for her! So be very cautious with your words and actions if this ever happens.

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