Just wondering if it’s a common thing to have sexual fantasies that you feel uncomfortable sharing even with someone you’ve been with for a long time.

  1. Definitely. I’m an old man but feel much happier talking to strangers about my fantasies.

  2. I think it’s completely normal and probably common too. I would never share my fantasies with my long-term partner. It would serve no purpose, because she actually wouldn’t be able to realize them for me plus she would think I’m a weirdo.

  3. Not at all. I’m no coward. Sexual fantasies aren’t something where the only purpose of telling somebody is to get them to fulfil them. They are part of your personality, a deep and complex part. Somebody I couldn’t share them with wouldn’t be worth my time.

  4. There is a difference between being uncomfortable sharing something and not being willing to share something. Both are common.

  5. I’m very glad that [Mojo Upgrade ](mojoupgrade.com) exists. That way the only kinks that you partner sees are the ones that they are also into.

  6. Some yes, some no.

    If I want to enact a fantasy, I will discuss it with my partner to see whether they are interested, willing, excited, or whatever.

    If I have a fantasy that I don’t plan to enact, I won’t mention it. I’ll enjoy it in the privacy of my wicked mind.

  7. None of mine are all that crazy so for the most part no, I’m pretty open about them though there’s some economy in the full details sometimes.

  8. I used to. I was married for over a decade and we never talked about fantasies or anything if the sort. I now have a partner that I discuss EVERYTHING with. Even the things I wasn’t sure I was ready to admit to myself. Having a partner that accepts me regardless of my sexual desires took not only fear away, but also made our relationship have so much more trust and honesty.

  9. No. For a long time, I kept these to myself, but in the past few years, I’ve learned to open up pretty much every deep, dark desire that I have.

    Some fantasies are things I’d love to try – and my wife has accommodated these, or has made it clear that she’s open to doing so. Others are imagination type things only, but at least we have enjoyed porn of these together.

    It has been very freeing to not have to feel ashamed or whatnot. Being open has definitely brought us closer.

  10. Personally I don’t, but I can understand that some people might not want to as they may be perceived “weird” by other people and it’s just not worth risking telling them

  11. a few, most of them I tell anyone I come across, I’m a bit too open. but there’s some I just keep to myself, because there’s no point telling people them as I don’t want to actually do it.

  12. I’ve shared my bdsm fantasies. I’m not sure how he would take my fantasy of wanting to be used by two guys at once. I know he’s not into that type of stuff

  13. With prior partners, yes. I was suppressing my feelings of being bi/pan because of some things they said that looked down on non-straight men in straight Monogamous relationship.

    Now, with my fiance, we literally fuck will narrating our fantasies with each other. It’s hawt as fuck.

  14. Nope. I’m fairly open but likely because I am as basic vanilla as they come.

    I also try to ensure my partners are honest and open with me that way I can breakup if they have a kink, fetish, or desire I find distasteful. I do this during the dating stage so I don’t waste my type on someone who was into X or found Y arousing.

  15. Married for 20 years and I have one fantasy left that I haven’t told my husband about. Its on the taboo side and I would feel so dirty and rejected if he found it weird or gross. I dont think its something we could ever act out, so it seems doubly pointless for me to tell. I’ll keep it in my head and enjoy it privately.

  16. Married 12 years and there a few fantasies that I would love to engage in but I know my wife would be grossed out and never condone it…so it will stay a fantasy

  17. There’s a list of links on Google, I think. Ask your partner if they would be willing to look at it. My fantasies aren’t me, there just there. I would never act on them, but they made for some awesome sex with 2 of my exes. (They thought they were hot too.) If I had things to do over again, I would have mentioned more with others.

  18. No, I’m up front about my kinky horny side in the beginning so they are aware, I wouldn’t be with someone who wasn’t comfy with that

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