My bf is turning 27 and in his card I’m adding some too old/too young jokes. But as I’m not 27 and not a guy I’m in a bit of a struggle to come up with things, so please help men of reddit!

  1. Turning 27 in a couple months, going to check this post then and see if there’s any point in sticking around for 28

  2. He only has 72 years left to play with those toys advertised as for “from x to 99 years old”.

  3. I have nothing. You are never too old to do anything. Heck, I just bought 3 boxes of Lego and still love building it.

    But here goes:
    You are too old to be fucking me without a ring.
    You are too young to be sitting on your ass doing nothing all day.

  4. As a 28 year old.

    Apparantly having a pain free neck and back.

    Also staying up past 23:00 with absurd amounts of caffiene.

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