Women with bigger bone frames, how do you feel about it?

  1. Now I am someone with a broader/ bigger bone frame (who wasn’t aware of it being a thing) 5’6 tall & close to 114 lbs, always took herself to be bigger/ larger/ manlier than average and a lot of things never made sense in life – like everyone calling me skinny always while personally I would always feel so “big” and leaving me wondering if they’re blind or something lol, and it always bothered why I could never look like these women who look so gorgeous and thin and just pull off all the dresses so gracefully, who (I later realized) have narrower bone frames and hence look the way they do (which in my personal opinion is just perfect & ideal)

    So I always grew up thinking to be “fat/ manly/ less feminine” in broader terms, more so for growing up around everyone with way more slender bodies, until one day someone pointed it out that it’s rather the bone-structure that makes me look the way I do… Knowing that wasn’t any relieving, rather more disappointing that it wasn’t really fat that would go away one day if I try & help me look perfect but the bones that would never change but it was still better being aware than clueless…

    Having said that, even thought I would’ve preferred a narrower bone frame if it was for me to choose for myself, I have come to terms with the reality & somewhat accepted things for what they are long ago and it does not bother me anymore at the least and have realized that it wasn’t so important of a thing to feel bothered & troubled for.. like I do believe now that we pay a lot of undue pressure on ourselves at times for how we look which isn’t ever worth it and I would encourage others in similar situation to just look over it and accept it is equally “beautiful” 🙂

    So, I am just looking for such similar experiences if anyone of you have faced and I’m really thankful if you made it up to this point to read it all and even more if you took the effort to share your experiences/ advise upon the subject, thank you 🙂

  2. I’m used it to now, and wouldn’t say i’m “bigger’ than the average woman, but I have a curvy athletic build and always used to fight against it and suffered from bulimia/anorexia for 16 years. Once I stopped fighting it and let my body recover, I’ve filled out in all the places I’m naturally bigger in, and I get hit on more now at 36 than I did at 20….so I guess I like it, cuz trying to be something else didn’t work and clearly didn’t even look right on me

  3. I’m 5’6″ and always felt like I had a bigger, more athletic build. Even when I’ve been really slim I’ve never felt like I looked particularly feminine, no matter how much I want too.

    Now days I just lean into it and lift weights! Being strong feels good so that helps a lot.

  4. It’s rough growing up, I think. When your structure is thick/broad you tend to carry what extra weight you have very roundly, which is rough as a kid because you get extra bullied for it. Now as an adult, I have way more perspective and I’m very comfortable with my frame. I’ve learned how to dress and move in ways that make me feel comfortable with my body as well as my femininity. In the end, my body is just a nuce place to live, so I don’t get too attached/fussed over it.

  5. I feel skinny and fat at the same time. Like I have bones sticking out everywhere (my pelvis could kill you if you walk by) so everybody comments how thin I am, but in reality I’m not. I have belly, flappy arms, bikers calves etc It’s like being schrodinger’s cat 🙂

  6. I’m 30, 5’8, and weighed about 144 pounds a month ago. My shoulders are broad, my hips and breasts are small, and I have a flat stomach. I have a larger torso than most (probably why shoulders are bigger). I used to hate it because I wanted to look nicer in my dresses but I am confident in what I wear now.

    I used to have major self confidence issues about my body but these last years I started to love how I look. I am about 135 pounds now as gaining weight is so hard for me because my metabolism. If I lose too much weight I get way too boney.

  7. i swear big bones are a thing. im not tall im not fat but im so much bigger than “petite” girls

  8. I’m okay with it, though I sometimes wish I’d was a little shorter (almost 6″1) There was a time where I was self conscious about it, why are my shoulders so broad, why aren’t my hips a little broader etc. That said I’ve learned to accept my body for what it is, working out probably has a lot to do with it.

  9. I’ve always been ‘solid’ I’m 5’5 and about 67kgs. There have been times when I’ve fight against nature to get thinner and developed very unhealthy habits.
    As I’ve e gotten older I’ve embraced how athletic my build is and how well equipped I am for the sports I play and love.
    I’m never going to have the thighs of a supermodel but my sturdy legs serve me so well

  10. I’m 5’11 and big-boned (literally, not overweight). No ladies hats or gloves fit me. Hardly any shoes. I buy men’s glasses’ frames. I feel ungraceful and big around other women, despite being slim.

    The fun bit is people do not expect me to be that big if they see our family on photos. We scale up quite nicely, two adults, two kids, all proportional. And then in real life my husband is 6’4, kids on 99th percentile and I’m bigger than plenty of men. I feel good around them.

  11. I’m pretty average weight – maybe a bit above it.

    When you look at me from the side you’d say I’m pretty thin/average, but from the front/back I look *so much broader* because of really wide shoulders, hips and thighs… 🤣 My waist is practically nonexistent. Just goes straight down from my shoulders to my hips.

    I used to hate my weight, but rn I’m finally at peace with it. Can’t really change the shape of your bones/ribcage 😅

  12. I am built like a Valkyrie, I sail the halls like a schooner, shoulders back, tits out.

    Stand tall, posture is key, otherwise you look like a sulking Sasquatch. I just wish my ribcage was a little more hospitable to bras.

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