My friend and I are both pretty introverted and live alone. We both have the option of working from home and my current place keeps upping the rent a lot every renewal. I’m not struggling to make ends meet, but splitting rent would save a ton of money.

I hesitate with the thought of becoming roommates because he’s my only friend. I’m worried that familiarity will breed contempt. He has his own friends and him going out would probably make me jealous. Seeing and realizing I have no other friends might also make him feel awkward around me.

Up until now, we’ve mostly just interacted online. We only hang out when I initiate once in a blue moon, and I’m not sure if that’s because he’s too shy to make plans or if doesn’t value the friendship as much as I do. But if you had this kind of lopsided, singular friendship, would you risk it by rooming with them?

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