how do you keep up with the ‘beauty standard’ thing set by the society ?

  1. I don’t; never have. I wear and do what I want! if people don’t like it, that’s fine; they don’t have to.

  2. I don’t, I just wear what I like and work towards my own goals regardless of what society considers the ideal at the time.

  3. I don’t. I do my thing.

    I dress as I please, I do everything to make ME feel happy when I see my reflection in the mirror, to make ME feel healthy and well physically and mentally.

    I’m 35yo now and I have already been a thousand different persons. I looked and felt a thousand different ways but I always aimed to look and feel happy.

  4. I seek out and attract people who have also made effort at some point in life to value deeper qualities. I really enjoy natural fibers and vintage clothes so I still enjoy design and style to a point but it’s more of a creative interest and not something I prioritize in life because I want to be accepted for being “beautiful.”

  5. I don’t give a f***. I generally do not care about what anyone thinks as long as I’m not causing anyone harm.

  6. I wear whatever I want and when someone says I don’t dress/look trendy I deal with the insecurity they just created.

  7. Are you talking about fashion or are you talking about the trending hair color/style, makeup, etc?

    If I’m dressed to the current fashion, it’s because that’s all I can find at the store. As for the rest, I don’t go out of my way to participate. Most men & women don’t care about your makeup either, so unless you genuinely enjoy fashion and it has nothing to do with appealing to your sex of preference, “beauty standards” aren’t really a thing in real life unless you run into someone with porn/internet addiction.

  8. I don’t. My interests in makeup is minimal so I dont follow any makeup trend. The only thing I care about is having nice, clean skin.

    I do what makes me feel good and happy about my body.

  9. I don’t. I don’t even know what the current beauty/body trends are. I just focus on being healthy and fit.

  10. I do what works for me. Don’t give a damn about standards, especially those eyelashes and other makeup.

  11. (M30) I used to “dress to impress”. Now I look homeless, t shirt and jeans, and good hygiene.

  12. Keep up by Ignoring them. The standards will change next week. Rather than chasing them, stick to the basics of what makes you happy and go with it.

  13. I simply DON’T CARE. Beauty standards are different in the US, in Europe and in Asia.

    I may not be a 10 to everyone but I wear what I like, I do my make up how I like. If I choose to have plastic surgery its only because I want to do it for myself.

  14. Much of health is beauty. I take care of my health, which gives me a good base for beauty. Lots of veggies, water, yoga, exercise.

    I work from home Fridays so I do a lot of beauty stuff then: hair mask, paint toes, teeth whitening strips, self tan lotion, file nails.

    I have frizzy fine hair and the Dyson Airwrap has been a godsend.

    I have highlights but they’re too high maintenance, I’m growing them out now.

    And I try to do my eye makeup regularly so I don’t fall out of practice.

  15. I generally accept whatever beauty thing is happening as a style much like clothing. I am older so I have a good idea about what I like to see in the mirror and what I am willing to pay for. I have also seen things go wrong on others and on myself so I can hopefully be a good judge of what may not last the test of time. I am also rather cheap about stuff so this practice has saved me money over all. If I were very young, I might follow more trends.

    If you also wonder about beauty ideals requiring surgery or invasive procedures to attain, that’s a hard no.

  16. I don’t… Im not a product.
    You have summer dresses, winter coats. People is not an item that has to be changed accordingly to seasons.
    I was a teen when supermodels and size 00 was all the rage… I have never been the beauty standard, and I have managed to survive.

  17. I don’t. In fact I dress to make people mad… I dress like a man, no makeup, messy hair, and a trump hat. People actually respect me more and hold doors for me because they’re scared to tick me off I’m assuming. If they said hi or tried to talk to me tho they’d see I’m like a human bunny rabbit who’d buy you lunch if you asked

  18. The only way I’ve kept myself sane is by ignoring trends and cultivating my own classic style and beauty habits. I wear only neutrals, wear neutral make up, have my natural nails but have grown them out long, dye my hair how I think looks best on me, etc. I don’t “keep up with them”, I keep up with me.

  19. I don’t.

    I focus on what I like seeing on myself. Like i love that I have strong legs and a tiny, firm butt. I used to want a big butt, especially since it’s considered a “Black woman” staple, but I’m petite so I focus on what I personally like for my frame. When it comes to clothes, as long as I feel beautiful I’m happy.

    It’s exhausting keeping up with other people’s expectations.

  20. Eventually you get tired and stop caring so much.

    I stopped wearing makeup and in reality, my mom is the only person who comments on it. But she comes from a different generation. None of the women at my work wear makeup either and it hasn’t been a problem.

    I keep my hair in low maintenance styles because it’s what I prefer and makes life easier.
    I exercise because I enjoy it. I walk and dance and hope to start lifting weights soon. But I’m at a healthy weight (coming straight from my Dr!) and no longer am obsessed with being super skinny

    In terms of romantic relationships, my partners never had any quelms about any of the things I was insecure about (my weight, my hair, my nose etc). I eventually realized that all those insecurities were in my head and not the heads of others. That helped me to start letting them control me

  21. I don’t. I had to accept that I will never fulfill it and I prepared myself to live with the consequences. The fact that I’m not heterosexual was a huge help!

  22. Well I shave, that’s something that annoys me although I do feel more beautiful after, but I wouldn’t bother to do it if it wasn’t a beauty standard.

    Everything else I do how I like it. I don’t care about trends, I will go with what best suits me and what makes me feel beautiful and mostly it’s something that isn’t trendy.

  23. By not doing any of it. To fit society’s standard to beauty, I would basically have to near kill myself. Develop new levels of dangerous eating disorders, undergo multiple dangerous surgeries, basically have my entire genetic profile altered and for who? Definitely not for me, I don’t want to do any of that. Yes people do get plastic surgery for themselves and that’s perfectly okay and some absolutely need it because they were disfigured at some point and it would greatly improve their life but since today’s beauty stands were invented by men, I would be sacrificing for men and I refused to even humor that idea on anything a long time ago.

  24. I try to follow them as well as I can, even though I’m well aware I’ll never fit into any culture’s idea of beauty.

  25. You understand what marketing is and how it does not necessarily reflect reality. Makes it much easier to find peace within yourself

  26. I think hygiene and maintenance is important so I keep up with that, updating my routine as I feel fit but beauty standards vary by culture and location. As long as I feel beautiful, that’s all that matters!

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