Hi, just posting this to get this out of my chest, and hopefully out of my head.

Just an update on my previous post here where I was asking for advice on whether I should tell the girl I like about my feelings or not.

I decided to tell her the truth and asked her to go out with me but she didnt answer any of my messages. At first I thought she was just busy but i’ve seen her online and still wont answer me. I have waited over a week now.

Maybe she is just really busy, maybe she has some kind of problems, maybe she doesnt want to talk to me right now, maybe her phone got stolen, maybe she will answer me one day, maybe she won’t. It could be literally anything.

The anxiety is killing me. I feel so stupid. If she never answer to me or rejects me (as I suspect it’s the reason for the delay) I am never doing this again, my heart wont take it anymore.

  1. >I have waited over a week now.

    No one is *that* busy. 24 hour rule. No response in 24 hours, consider that a “no,” delete and move on.

  2. Or maybe, you should have taken the advice of NOT TELLING HER and just go on about it, but if she’s online and no responding she’s not interested and if you call her out on it she will get pissed and say what the fuck is wrong with you. It’s the typical tool.

    Move on dude. Stop wasting your time on someone not interested

  3. 1 week is way too long to wait on an answer. Feelings arent mutual, time to move on and find someone who will value your time and effort.

  4. Look firstly proud of you for doing the difficult thing, that takes so much guts.

    Secondly I’m sorry to break it to you but she doesn’t see you the way you see her. A day I can forgive not a week.

    Keep in mind this was a terrible rude thing to do. Like I’m assuming you were friends first, but if she behaved this way then it is telling as far as what kind of woman she is. If she cared about you even alittle bit she would have been tactful and gentle with you during this time. The fact she is avoiding you doesn’t mean you did anything wrong or was wrong in any way.

    You deserve better and this pain will pass in time. Don’t settle for this, look for better and require better. And also don’t let shit like this stop you from doing that ever, it’s painful yes, but this rejection as much as you may hate me for saying is a good thing.

    Rejection is a right of passage for all people, and the fact you stated what you wanted straight up to her takes some big balls not all guys have. Be proud of this moment, and let this be a teaching moment to you. To not waste tike and get invested with people that won’t to you or at the least be kind enough to let you down easy and have a honest conversation. Let moments like these callous you so you are numb to it, and keep persisting with other people. You will find someone decent.

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