If you’re old enough to answer, what’s one pre-cell phone memory you have that you’re glad no one was able to photograph or record?

  1. I remember vividly the day my family got our first answering machine. It was a very big deal. My mom was so excited to have one and she couldn’t stop talking about it. We had to leave messages for each other on it and it was just the coolest thing ever.

  2. That one time as a kid, I wrote a somewhat cringy card to a girl I like with her birthday gift and she read it to her group of friends who just pointed and laughed.

  3. I was a baby just as everyone was getting cellphones. At least, I think that’s what was happening in the early 2000s.

  4. I had a pager that was translucent. It looked cool but it had a short and would flash as it vibrates like it was going t explode. I am glad there is no pictures of that anywhere.

  5. I’ll go for the rare no-snark answer…

    All the times I was a complete ass to others because my self-esteem was low. Those memories are still clear in my mind and guide how I treat others today. I’m glad the worst of me isn’t available on YouTube.

  6. I crashed a bike, got a blood blister on the end of my dick. Dropped trou, and danced around holding my dick. I was six. It was 1970.

  7. My bowl cut haircut from the 90s 😅 I mean there’s family photos, but at least it’s not all over the Internet!

  8. Me hacking the security off the school computer to play a Mike Tyson’s Punch Out ROM instead of my pointless assignment about mitochondria or whatever the fuck we were studying

  9. When I sent a love letter, that got read out to the whole school. This was the rejection, I guess.

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