I feel late to the party, are there things I should I should expect, do more/less of based on my age?

  1. Just remember it’s okay not to be perfect. We make it up as we go along.

    The kid will surprise you in both good and scary ways.

    Always remember to enjoy the small moments.

    r/oldmandad has some good posts.

  2. Congratulations. Like the rest of us, you will learn along the way. Those early days are nervy but exciting. You will be very cautious but you will relax and get into your routine. You will get to know the baby’s routine and their little quirks. It will be rewarding. Do what works for you, while taking advice. Good luck.

  3. When they are first born babies sleep 20 hours a day, and the other 4 hours are spent feeding. As a dad you won’t be asked to do much, so support your wife / partner as best as you can – cook, clean, etc.

  4. As a 40 year old man with a one year old I can tell you start looking for help now. Not just 1 person, cultivate a small rolodex. It’s so hard man.

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