I (25M) have been dating this girl (25F) for a month now. We’ve been on 5 dates so far and things were going okay but she just seems more distant now and have been canceling plans and asking to reschedule constantly. When we’re together we seem to talk for hours and there is high sexual tension. But when not in person the texts are generally dry and take hours for replies even the next day. I admit I am guilty of majority of this as I have a pretty busy schedule and will reply in hours to even the next day. I usually only use texting generally to set up the dates and usually don’t have much to talk about when texting as I feel it’s better done in person. I’ve told her this as she was texting more at the start and she said she understood but lately she’s also been distant and such. I know we’re both busy but I’ve been trying to find time to make it work as finding days for our schedule to match has been hard. She told me she would connect with me tomorrow to reschedule but I that was more than a day ago.

  1. I mean…… that’s what happens when you don’t make the new person in your life the priority. And what happens when they feel like they are not your priority.

    You should have texted more to keep the connection going in the beginning. start now. Text her a funny anecdote or something

  2. I mean…… that’s what happens when you don’t make the new person in your life the priority. And what happens when they feel like they are not your priority.

    You should have texted more to keep the connection going in the beginning. start now. Text her a funny anecdote or something

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