I put “standards” and “expectations” in quotes because these are relative and everyone has their own. Commonly, both men and women have certain dating expectations and they may or may not change as they get older. It’s natural for them to change (e.g., less emphasis on looks or income) but for some these might not change and may have some impact on dating outcomes.

So how did things turn out for you?

Would you do anything differently?

  1. There was a time it seemed like all the good single guys were married and I’d never find a relationship. But I was fine with that, bought a house, traveled, focused on work. Then slowly but surely all the couples who married in their twenties broke up and there were a lot of available singles again. I’m glad I never settled and I wouldn’t advise others (men or women) to settle either UNLESS you want kids. I never did so I don’t care that I never had them.

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